As part of the fallout from our economic troubles, illegal aliens are finding it harder to get a home loan. I’m sure giving big loans to people known for breaking federal law and could be deported was a really smart thing, though. It really makes you wonder how we got into this crisis with all these smart people giving out smart loans in such a smart fashion. Luckily, Barney Frank is planning to raise taxes to solve this problem of which he had no involvement.
Seriously, at some point we need to consider divesting from the U.S. government. They can’t just wield our money like a bunch of drunken monkeys. I say we just write out our tax checks straight to the military and screw the rest of it. There are parts of the federal government outside of defense I kinda like, but I can live without them. Safer we just defund everything and start over. Sure, some people may end up starving in the street, but certainly no productive people.
The less money we give to the govt, the more we have to give to charity to feed the starving people in the street. Once govt is smaller a lot of them will be ex-govt workers, I imagine. Or, like you said, not really productive people. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Government is a hideous bitch-goddess.
The military poll number are close to 70% for McCain. I say we turn the election over to the military. And if some troll doesn’t like that, I’ll have my 2nd born male child who flies heavily armed helicopters for a living lay a Hellfire missile on your head.
The U.S. Constitution lays out its purpose to “establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”
If it doesn’t do any of those things, the government shouldn’t pay for it.
And even if it does, the federal government should only step in when the several states are unable … not unwilling … to provide a necessary service.
And there ain’t a whole lot that’s necessary, when you get right down to it.
First lesson. Government workers do not do much actual work. Thus straining the word work very badly. They take the word work out of the word work-Er. Thus we must call them government Ers.
in a press conference this morning, comrade Obama revised his tax plan to give 95% of Americans. At this rate by the time he’s elected he will have promised tax cuts to 112% of Americans. How is this possible you ask? Well, you know those counties where you have thousands more registered than there are residents? Well…they’re registered to vote so they MUST be Americans, right?
He also said that his “solution” to the “Joe the Plumber problem” would be to have given him government money 5 years ago, when he was struggling. This would probably have just stopped his capitalist pig dreams of earning money and owning a business and made him a dependent of the government like a good Democrat, join a union, and start demanding other people’s money instead of insisting on creating his own wealth.
I wonder what programs comrade Obama is referring to when he says he’s going to “cut programs that don’t work”. If he loses the war in Iraq, can he say the military is a program that doesn’t work and needs to be cut?
In answer to the title question, here’s a link I recieved via email. Not sure whether it’s comedy or analysis (best to have both at once as we’ve all learned here at IMAO) but it’s worth watching if you haven’t seeen it before: How the market and MBSs (aka SIVs) work
simple solution — just pass a regulation prohibiting the lenders from asking about citizenship, or better yet, create a government agency guaranteeing subprime loans — yeah, that will work
On behalf of drunken monkeys, we kind of resent being compared to the U.S. government. Sure, we have a few drinks, some laughs, and fling poo everywhere, but c’mon… we know how to balance our checkbooks. As for Barney Frank, he wouldn’t even be allowed in the lemur section with a Shirley Temple.
After I’ve already worked all weekend at the F-22 Bake Sale?
If San Francisco can just make up its own rules, why can’t the rest of us?
Since paying taxes is patriotic (eyeroll), I say that the only ones who should be taxed are the ones voting for Obama.
#4 Basil – Amen. If you enjoy really long, dry, slow books,you should read “Atlas Shrugged”. Ayn Rand does an excellent job of defining your point about limited government.
#7 Phil – It is satire filled with truth.
#9 Creekspecter – Barney Frank started out with Shirley Temples, but these days he only sucks the life force out of his constituency. (sorry about the visual)
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How did we get here? We elected idiots and morons into the Congress because they told us what we wanted to hear. We allowed the Federal Government to take over our schools and mandate what can and can’t be taught. We allowed Hollywood liberals to debase and distort our culture until it is unrecognizable and then we wonder why people can’t tell the difference between right and wrong.
Mostly we did nothing to stop it. There was a beer in the fridge and cadaver on TV waiting to be carved up so the fall of civil-ization wasn’t important.
Yes. I am even more cynical than before.
We have met the enemy and he is us-Pogo.