I have confirmation that Obama’s big secret is that he’s a meth addict.
Confirmation of speculation that is.
I mean, look how skinny that guy is. Probably because of drugs. I’m guessing meth, because he likes doing whatever the popular kids are doing. Probably buys it from his terrorist buddy Ayers to help fund his terrorist activities.
Also, if someone told you there is a meth addict named Obama, isn’t this what you think he’d look like:

Until I see his medical records to the contrary, I think it’s safe to assume he does lots of meth and rants against America and our troops to his terrorist friends when high. He should not be in charge of the country. He probably shouldn’t even be around his children. What a disgrace.
Are you trying to get a visit from the Truth Squads, dude?
Ya, he’s been pretty closed about his records. Wasn’t there some big thing about him not releasing his birth certificate too?
I refuse to believe Barry Obama actually exists. I want to see his birth certificate proving otherwise.
Do meth addicts stammer?
He still hasn’t released his medical records??? It’s really odd for a relatively young guy to want to hold back on that. I say spread the rumors! That way it will force the issue and he will have to release the records.
Well, the truth is nothing but an inconvenience that can get you voted out of office to Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, Franks, Dodd, Durbin, etc. – Biden had at least 14 factual lies within just 90 minutes last night, and isn’t being called on them by the mainstream media. So, might as well make up a few of our own.
50% of the country isn’t listening to the truth about Obama. So why are they going to listen to rumors started on blogs?
I say no. Keep emphasizing the truth, continue mocking him to the hilt for what he is, but don’t make stuff up.
In spite of a depression looming with Obama as Commander In Chief, you can’t get there (McCain/Pailin) from “here.”
Oh, oh, you better watch out or the Obama Youth is gonna sing songs praising Obama until you recant. You’re in deep doo-doo, Frank. And I hear Michelle (The Bug Eyed Bitch) is mad too. Watch out!
I fear Frank J. has turned against us and is trying to hand Obama an easy win in the meth-addict demographic.
But the rumor is categorically false–apart from an unquenchable thirst for human blood and midget porn, I am not aware of any Obama addictions.
Pingback: Not Quite – Nicholas Fitzgerald
Glenn Reynolds, angrily shaking a boxful of puppies and a recently used blender under Obama’s nose who is sitting sulkily in his office chair trying to listen to his iPod: Who taught you how to do this stuff?!
Obama: From you, Glenn! I learned it from watching you!
Voiceover guy: Bloggers who blend puppies have presidential candidates that are anti-everything they stand for who blend puppies…or something, I don’t know, I’m coming down off the Canine-abis myself.
YAY! I got my “Vote Obama / Biden 2008”
target… sticker in the mail today. Don’t know how much it cost them to mail out, but it wasn’t enough. Guess I’ll have to load up the .22, and the .32, and the 7.62x54R… 🙂This just IN:
Obama is not really black!
Recent studies of Barak Obama’s birth certificate and medical records have proven his ethnic heritage to be Aryan. Previous assumptions regarding his African American ethnicity were dashed Friday when Barak Obama was shown to suffer from a rare skin disease that stems from the consumption of high volumes of arugula from whole foods.
The meth explains all the ums and ahs that riddle his speech! I’ll bet he not only does meth but also smokes crack and drinks malt liquor at the same time. Loser!
i defy anyone to convince me he isn’t stoned in this photo — its the same glazed over cannabis eyes that look back at you when you’re sitting across from frankj
Cadet are you trying to tell us something about FrankJ???
You do know what satire is, right?
Seriously the ONLY thing that’s going to save us from annihilation is prayer, lots and lots and lots or prayer. Actually it probably won’t save us, but at least we’ll be in a better position when the end comes.
I feel like the little guy in the cartoons with a sandwich board that says “The end is near”. Sorry, can’t help it. I can’t imagine that people could get more wicked, more depraved, more lost, or fallen.
The leader of the free world is about to be someone who encourages and approves of infanticide (for trolls out there, that means killing live babies). I’m not sure what is worse than that, but given time I’m sure the messiah can come up with something.
I pray he gets hold of some bad crank and cranksturbates himself to death in a tiny room with a magazine containing nude pictures of only the porksters from “The View”…..with a tape loop of Babwa Waltahs reprising the role from Blazing Saddles “It’s Twue ….It’s Twue”
Why are we even bothering to hold an election if you’re so sure who’s going to win? We’ll just go on your call.
Tipical dhingers. You can’t despute The Iraq War was wrong so you justARGH it maek me so mad
I doubt Obama does meth – he isn’t quite “there” enough. According to my well-placed sources high in the Obama campaign, he no longer does meth. What he smokes now is a combination of wheat grass soaked in turpentine and Joe Biden’s hairplugs.
Tipical dhingers. You can’t despute The Iraq War was wrong so you justARGH it maek me so mad
See, I *want* to restrain myself from being a grammar/spelling Nazi, but damnit you’re not making it easy.
I’ll leave it at this –
Typical liberal – can’t defend or argue any of their positions, so they have to resort to emphasizing to everybody how they feel–as if we don’t know that in the first place.
I would believe crack over meth.
I think he has a penchant for the devil weed. Ever see how snippy he gets if people interrupt his when he’s chowing down on waffles?
He’s all like…. “Dude, leave me alone I’m trying to eat some waffles. Hey, that a cool sounding word ‘waffles’. Waffles, waffles, waffles, waffles. Oh, hey, look waffles – I was just thinking about waffles and here’s plate of ’em right in front of me. Awwwesome!”
Well, we could always ask one of his lifelong friends that knew him for years and stepped forward to vouch for his good deeds and experience…umm, except apparently no one ever knew this guy, and absolutely no one has stepped forward to say one nice thing about this guy, after his 46 years of supposed selfless service to humanity.
Great photo cadet! I’m sure he was just smoking that joint to help smooth out a meth crash. Everyone does it.
And by the way, if there is anyone here who has never whacked it to midget porn, let them speak now and explain why not.
No? Uh huh, that’s what I thought. Damn hypocrites.
While doing meth recently, Obama did a three way with Rosie and Striesand. He did some more meth and invited Rosie to stay at the Lincoln Bedroom “forever” once elected…
It was learned today that Glen Ifell will reveal in her new book that not only is Barack Obama a meth addict but he also was with O. J. during the now famous robbery in Vegas. Barack was one of the gunmen but Glen did not feel this was relevant the VP debate…
***Exclusive – must credit cptnmoroni!***
I have exclusive photographic proof that instead of a punching bag, while working out at the gym, Barack Obama gets into shape by punching a gunny sack full of kittens.
He turned me into a newt!
Master Shake,
Did you get better?
#17 – seanmahair,
Exodus 20:20
Moses said th the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
Isaiah 35:3-4
Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”
hang in there!
Oh, I almost forgot the point of this post:
Proverbs 26:23-28
Like a coating of glaze over earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart.
A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit.
Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven obominations fill his heart.
His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.
If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it: if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him.
A lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flattering mouth works ruin.