RNC Chair

Now there’s talk of Fred Thompson challenging Steele for the RNC Chair. I already outlined why that would be awesome. I should also suggest me, though. For one, I was the first to declare myself the defacto leader of the Republican Party after the collapse. Also, I’m a Washington outsider. I mean, I’ve been to the Smithsonian a few times to look at the dinosaur bones, but that’s about it. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about me using the RNC Chair as a platform to help a 2012 presidential run because I still won’t be old enough to be president then.

So, anyway, my name is out there. So, what does it pay anyway?


  1. That sort of came out wrong. Jeri’s a sharp lady and wouldn’t serve as a puppet. I just think they’d make a great combo, but I’d prefer to look at a hot chick.

    There. That’s less sexist.

  2. I would like to nominate myself, for no other reason than to possibly have a big public debate with you where we argued the merits of nuking France vs. nuking Iran and which animal would best be suited to carry rocket launchers into battle while the whole world watched in awe of the genius that is the new Republican Party.

    Also, I like long sentences.

  3. I’m not sure you’re the right guy for the job, because – frankly (please pardon the pun) – I have not once seen a New York Times columnist say a good thing about you.

    When I was a registered Republican, I was always proudest when my party put people in positions of party authority that were hated the least by our political opponents. Oh, they still did hate them, and only befriended them as useful idiots in order to aid them in submarining their party, but why stop doing something just because it doesn’t work? Any smart politician knows: If something is disasterous, it’s just because you still haven’t spent enough taxpayer dollars on it.

    If you could wrangle an endorsement from a Clinton, a Biden, or anyone at the Times, it would go a long way to getting your name in the hat.

  4. I think Frank has a “style and freshness” of his own. A definite “hotness” too, if you add his wife to the mix. But “awesome?” I don’t know about that. I’m waiting for real live demo’s of his dinosaur weaponry. The proof is in the enemy “pudding.”

  5. I’d go along with Frank as RNC Chair as long as I get to be his press secretary! I’d be his guy all the way…except when I’m leaking to Carl Cameron and to the Washington Post and NY Times that Frank is a cross-dressing-homo who trolls school yards looking for small children to lure back to his DC apartment where he and Barney Frank have a super-secret sex ring going…um…sorry…I’d be out there every day defending the head of the Republican Party, Frank J! Frank is the only one who can restore the Republican Party to it’s once former glory days of Ronald Magnus!!! Frank J!!! Frank J!!! Frank J!!!

  6. No offense intended to our host, but with Dubya almost out and SarahP. in the background for now, the new head of RNC should be either Rush or Ann Coulter (or both). Both have longstanding, solid conservative cred, neither are elected officials, and who else can and WILL fire back at the batshite Libs?

  7. Frank’s got my voate, but we should change the name from RNC to ABTLDNC (Anything But The Libtard DNC). All activities will be focused on demonstrating the idiocy of Dem. policies. Not a positive word to be heard. Just vitriol — and even some logic if necessary. These fools need to be exposed and Frank is just the man for the job.

  8. Careful, ussjc, Frank is the de facto head of the Republican Party, instigator of the mostly content-free Republican Underground, possible future RNC chairman(?) and future President in 2016 – and – lord and master of all that is funny. He has enormous power – yes, even to make you rip heads off and stuff ’em. I’m going to get “attacked” now. Bye bye.

  9. My President? The late, great Charlton Heston. My RNC Chair? Frank J.

    Just thought I’d try and be first in line for a really sweet gig once you’re named, dude. Regardless, you are still the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republican Underground. Viva la Revolucion!!!

  10. Can I be frank with you all? Are you sure we won’t end up with Foghorn Leghorn as the chairman? His “campaign” that never was didn’t get off the runway. Now Jeri is young and vital and I really think she would be better. I like how she beach slaps the nonsensical libs.

    ussjimmycarter — you only get to be secretary if you wear a dress. Legs and heels shows expected daily. Do you take dictation?

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