Media Professionalism

I think he meant “Oh, Obama”

Of COURSE Couric noticed. Colorblindness is extremely rare in women [NOTE – nothing important after the first 10 seconds].

That’s ok. I still think Biden is pretty fly.


  1. I don’t have a television, so that was actually the first time that I’d heard Katie Couric’s voice. Not a very nice voice, is it? A bit reminiscent of Hillary’s, do you think?

    Sounds like a cat in heat being thrown into a blender stuck on “puree”, Jim.

    Of course since you don’t have a TV, ya missed the election night coverage over at CBS where Katie Couric was in an Obama shirt waving blue and red pom poms around screaming “Yes, We Can!” Or I may have been the only one to have seen that.. who knows?

  2. If I was that announcer guy, I’d be having a lot more fun with it. “Madame Speaker! The PRESIDENT…’s cabinet!” “Madame Speaker! The PRESIDENT…’s cat!” “Madame Speaker! The PRESIDENT… of the bridge club!” “Madame Speaker! The PRESIDENT… is apparently going to be giving a speech at some point tonight!”

  3. I wonder what they think happened to the almost half of the country that voted against Obama…I guess they think everyone was converted, because everyone they’re friends with is a socialist like them.

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