War Names

Obama is not going to call it the “War on Terror” anymore, but “Overseas Contingency Operation” just isn’t catchy enough. Here are some other names for the war he is considering:

* The War of Northern American Aggression

* That Trouble in the Middle East

* Overseas Man-Caused Conflict

* The Roosting of Our Chickens

* Operation Wacky Iraqi Attacky (wait, that was Bush’s suggestion)

* Our Contribution to the Zionist Conspiracy

* Bush’s Mess


  1. Overseas Defense Initiative. (we are just holding our own until I can sneak the troops out)
    Non-domestic Security Forces Diversion. (watch closely what I’m doing over there, I don’t want you to see what I do here)
    Holding Area for Republican Voters.
    Strategic Placement of Potential Revolution Prevention Forces.
    Forward Outpost Resources for Muslim Brotherhood Indoctrination Values in America Initiative.

  2. PreArmageddon
    The End of the world as we know it

    I think he should can the teleprompter and work with hand puppets. Then he can call the war anything he wants to and be more creditable.

  3. WAR! Uhn.. what it is good for?
    Defeating the Nazis!
    WAR! Good gawd, y’all… what it is good for?
    Liberating Europe!
    Uhn – WAR! We can’t call it that these days
    Gotta come up with a better name
    Huhn! Good gawd, y’all
    What is it good for?
    Overthrowing tyrants!
    Say it again, y’all….

  4. * Operation Imitate the French.

    *Operation Hug the Morally Depraved.

    *Operation Bow Down to Allah.

    *Operation Barney Frank (bend over…here it comes!).

    *Operation Kool-aid.

    *Operation This is our brain on drugs.

    *Operation Panzy.

    *Operation American Implosion.

  5. *Operation “Somebody Needs a Hug”

    *Operation Pre-emptive Surrender

    *Operation Surrender Monkey

    *Operation Olbermann

    *Operation Make Nice with Allah’s Thugs

    *Operation I Am A Witless Statist Who Has No Guts

  6. Since Obama want’s to change everythings name maybe we should change his.
    I’ll start here’s some new name’s:
    Ostupid, Odumba, ODumbass, Con artist, Terroist…….What else could we rename him?

  7. Catchy Names For What Was Formerly Known As War: (1) Very Realistic Military Training Ops (2) Halliburton Weapons Depletion Tour (3) How To Make Moonbats Crazier Than They Already Are, While Decreasing The Surplus Population Of The World <<<>>> (4) Involuntary Overpopulation Eradication Program (5)
    Global Post-partum Abortion Initiative

  8. US Infidels obsession
    Our Immoral aggression
    We lose all we gain
    We deserve all the pain
    Our throats we volunteer
    For Persian forces to cut and cheer
    Bend us over in the clover
    Spread our ashes to yonder Dover
    We sons and daughters are no more
    We were demons in Bush’s war

    But wait…what the hell’s I say’n
    It ain’t over, we still got pray’n
    The enemy he still bleeds
    He’s the one of dirty deeds
    There is a right and a wrong
    Defeat has never been my song
    If I’m to go will be with fight
    He’ll think hell’s come to take the night
    So roasted nuts by acorns fire
    Will be all that’s left of O the liar

  9. I’m wondering if this means I have to turn in my Global War on Terror medal for something else. Will they have to come up with a new medal for the military to issue. The “Overseas Contingency Operation” medal sounds freaking stupid.

  10. NRO weekend has posted ‘The Obama-matic(TM) Content-free Euphemism Generator’ to help the O-bah-muhhtrons come up with all sorts of 1984 newspeak. So easy even a Special Olympics Bowler can do it!

  11. As is always the case the historians will eventually name it when it’s all over.

    For now; just as the aggressor determines the rules of engagement they also dictate the name, in this case it’s “Jihad” and we are the target. I can only hope it’s our historians who name it not their’s

  12. Pingback: A War By Any Other Name

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