Yes, Frank really does want to hear what you have to say

Frank posted a funny post earlier today about Socialism.

No, socialism isn’t funny. But making fun of it is.

Anyway, there was a hiccup with the comments system … but only for that post. If you read it, tried to comment, and got an error … well, we fixed it. You can comment on it now.

Here’s how:

  1. Read it again.
  2. Laugh.
  3. Comment. Over at Frank’s post.
  4. Rinse.
  5. Repeat.


  1. Is there a trick to it, like your clever password post of some months past?

    [No, not at all. This is a straight-up bug (or something) with WordPress. A copy-paste of the title and contents to another blog did not repeat the issue. A copy-paste of the title and contents to another post on this blog did repeat the issue. It took a long, roundabout rebuild of the post (as a different post) to allow comments. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Other than that picture of Pelolsi and Emanuel. – B]

  2. NEWS FLASH – March 12, 2010: CNN/MSNBC executive producer Robert Gibbs announced today at the daily White House Information Ceremony that the Obama Royal Guard is successfully pushing back the unlawful American militia forces that have launched such a despicable attack on our glorious imperial Leader, who has been so generous in his outreach to the unwashed masses, graciously doling out to them food and toiletries and gracing them with his nightly inspirational speeches. This uprising is yet another example of the failed policies of the past, which have corrupted much of the citizenry as a result of the irresponsible excessive freedoms irresponsibly granted by past administrations.

    All citizens are reminded that our glorious imperial Leader has been very generous in extending mandatory curfews from 10:00pm to 10:15pm, but that this is a privilege, not a right, and may be remanded at any time should our Leader be displeased. For example, reportings have been below expected quota this month, and you are reminded that it is every citizen’s duty to report to the administration all suspicious activities by neighbors, friends and family members, as we strive to make your life safer and secure your well-being. May The Obama continue to grace you and your family with his blessings, may the rabble that threaten our Leader with their vile propaganda be forever silenced, and good night to all.

  3. Well, Shazbat!
    I’ve tried to view comments about 8 times and I end up at “Unable to find page, Unknown error – 1.” etc, each time.
    (Sigh) Thanks for explaining. Hope it doesn’t spread.

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