Random Thoughts

Obama is friends with lots of dictators. Couldn’t he get tips from them on how to do a more convincing staged rally?

To all those objecting to Nazi comparisons: Know who also wouldn’t want hated groups compared to the Nazis? The Nazis.

Obama just needs to come out and carefully explain to the American people that they have no choice in the matter so shut up.


  1. “Explain to the American people that they have no choice in the matter so shut up.”
    Americans caused this mess, so they should shut up and get out of the way so someone else (non-American) can clean it up. It all makes sense now.

  2. To all those objecting to Nazi comparisons: Know who also wouldn’t want hated groups compared to the Nazis? The Nazis.

    Hey, I need these laughable-moments provided by these idiots to keep my sanity.

    And “it’s the Post Office stupid” is going to work for another few hours.

    So no complaints from me on the Nazi remarks. I am in the clear.

  3. Since Pelosky initated the Hitler analogy in the Obamacare battle, It’s acceptable to remind everyone that the new Kristallnacht will be broken canes, crutches, and walkers as the scapegoating of senior citizens takes place.

  4. Since Pelosky initated the Hitler analogy in the Obamacare battle, It’s acceptable to remind everyone that the new Kristallnacht will be broken canes, crutches, and walkers as the scapegoating of senior citizens takes place.

    And “ObamaCare Will Put and End to Your Suffering” signs at the entrances to medical facilities will replace “Abreit macht frei” over the gates of concentration camps.

  5. Frank, have you ever asked a SeaWorld Employee what they do with a dead Killer Whale? They bring them out to the open sea, rig the carcass with explosives, and detonate it. Poor Shamu, doesn’t know the fate that awaits him/her.

  6. #8 – Live Free or Die,
    So That’s where it came from!
    Back when I was in the Coast Guard we came upon a dead whale floating on the surface off the coast of Alaska.
    The captain order the gun crews to try to ‘deflate’ it with .50 cal machine gun fire.
    That didn’t work so they broke out the deck guns and pumped some HE ordinance into it.
    We never did sink it but it was a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon at sea and the gunnys got to test their equipment.
    Whale chunks everywhere!

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