I’m all in favor of Tea Parties (the Taxed Enough Already kind, not the froo-froo, blue-haired, extended-pinky kind), but the folks at Tea Party Express have me scratching my head on their efforts to raise money to support their national bus tour:
“The national tea party tour will be supported by paid television ads that include the tagline: “Ask yourself this, would you be willing to put your own family into the hands of Barack Obama’s socialistic health care plan? [emphasis mine]”
Worst. Tagline. Ever.
A tagline is supposed to be pithy, clever, and/or memorable. Let’s see if we can shine this up a little:
* ObamaCare: Let’s test it out on Congress first.
* So bad, even Canadians would vote against it – if they were American and smarter.
* Like treating a paper cut with lemon juice.
* If you’re kidding, I’m not laughing. If you’re serious, I’m getting my gun.
* Like the Special Olympics or something.
* Even Sarah Palin would support putting this plan in front of a Death Panel.
* Ask yourself this, would you be willing to put your own family into the hands of the people who did Pelosi’s face lift?
* It’ll be just like the Post Office, except “going postal” will be known as “going doctoral”.
* The government will protect your health just like they protected GM & Chrysler.
* Tar. Feathers. Democrats. Some assembly required.
If you’ve got a tagline, drop it in the comments.
Obamacare is not safe for seniors and other living things.
Winner. lol
Wouldn’t you rather ration Obama’s deficit spending instead of him rationing your health care?
What the F@%$!!!
Obama lied, sick people died.
Damnit, I want to win something even if it’s just the most annoying commenter medal.
Help us reach our goal of depopulating Florida!
I see dead people … under Obamacare.
If you like Obamacare move to Cuba!
If you thought the IRS was bad just wait till Obamacare gets a grip on your nads.
Do you want to turn your health care decisions over to a government bureaucracy with the compassion of the IRS and the competence of Katrina disaster relief?
I’ll quit now.
Oh heck, just one more.
Obamacare will keep you sick and leave you hurting but don’t our President talk purty about it?
“Because you can’t spell HEALTH without TEA” …….I have no idea what that means.
* Under ObamaCare, Doctors won’t treat you, but instead look at you, grin sheepishly, and say, “Sorry, mate, it’s all FUBAR.”
* Your dog will still have better health care. Incidentally, the only way you’ll be able to get surgery is if you have your dog perform it.
* Do you really want to live under a system that will replace all treatments with Obama-brand Kool-Aid?
ObamaCare – Instead of getting treated, the run around.
As someone working on the Tea Party Express tour I thank you for the post and discussion. We always welcome constructive criticism and suggestions. Keem ’em coming, friends!
One if by land, Two if by sea, and Three if by legislation.
Imagine if the people at the post office or DMV had access to filled with sharp pointy needles and chemicals that could kill you.
Let FEMA set your femur!
They’re from the government and they’re here to help us.
Old lady: “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”
Death Panel: “Shut it, grandma.”
Funny site. I did a brief review for you.
Meant to say:
* If you’re kidding, I’m not laughing. If you’re serious, I’m getting my gun.
That’s darn funny.
I’m stealing it.
ObamaCare…so simple a caveman would be denied coverage.
From the Guys who brought you
The New Orleans Hurricane FEMA Rapid Response team
The Great Mexican-U.S Border Wall
The Stimulus Package
Cut our Future Weapons Systems
The Cloverfield Monster
And Transformers 2
An Obama Healthcare Odyssey 2009
Staring Barack Obama himself as HAL
Voice over with Teddy Kennedy pic: Our insurance paid the best doctors lots of money to keep this fat bastard alive long enough to ruin your health care. Wait. OMG what have we done?
We’re Democrats and we put the hell in health care.
damn this IV drip isn’t morphine it’s F@#KING OBAMA FLAVORED KOOl AID!!!!
* Ask yourself this, would you be willing to put your own family into the hands of Barack Obama, a man so dumb he married a woman who looks like Chewbacca after Han Solo shaved all the body hair off him?
Obamacare. If back alley prostate exams sound good to you.
Obamacare. If you want to die, but believe it is a sin to kill yourself.
Crusty – As someone who has many fond memories of Life Days spent on the Wookie homeworld, I find your statement offensive.
Everyone knows Michelle looks like Aunt Esther.
tagline: When Congress spends trillion dollar deficits and then wants to give away free insurance; they no longer represent taxpayers.
I’m partial to what’s apparently Obama’s slogan for it: “The one that’s always havin’ problems.”
(Wait, is it racist to point out that Obama sometimes drops Gs from -ing words? If so, I apologize.)
O-bah-muhhCare: try testing it on animals first.Congresscritters make excellent test subjects.
BarryCare…Ready, Fire, Aim, Repeat…
Peren – not racist, just rude. He only drops his g’s when he’s using his “midwestern just-plain-folks accent” to manipulate people, and it’s impolite to point out that Barry is a con-man.
Obamacare – When staying alive isn’t one of your higher priorities.
Obamacare: you care and he don’t
Obamacare: ridding america of the pesky old folks one grandma at a time.
Tar. Feathers. Politicians. Some assembly required.
Fixed it for ya!
classless disgrace care: Old people, can’t live with ’em, can’t kill ’em. … Wait.
Dohtimes – We’re Democrats and we put the hell in health care.
That is brilliant!!!!!
Dem’s – putting the K in Quality….Kwality, that’s Kenyan style!
You had me at * ObamaCare: Let’s test it out on Congress first.
* Socialized medicine: when you don’t care enough to get the very best.
* Obamacare: cause Barney Frank wants the chance to play doctor.
“In other news, visits to neighborhood veterinary clinics, are up, dramatically!”
Alright, they’re mostly awesome but the barney frank one made me almost choke on my jolly rancher
“Death to America!”
Oh, sorry. I thought you wanted to know the tagline for My foreign policy.
Your cooling corpse will not combat Global Warming – Fight the power
Senior care is the new graveyard shift for Hospice Union of America Workers.
Live from New York! It’s Saturday Night Death.
Clinton Cure: You better put some ice on that.
ObamaCare: You better put granny on ice. Now.
Iron poor blood? Removed free with Gov’t Health Care
Obama is pro choice: Born again Christians pay twice as much or live half as long.
ObamaCare: Rationing healthcare in 57 states! Two to go!
ObamaCare: Death AND Taxes!
Even Obamacare can’t cure stupid.
#51 FTW!
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