Stephen Crowder hasn’t made a video in a while… and he still hasn’t. Instead, he sent this out saying it was worthwhile. I can’t recall if we’ve mentioned the blatant lies of Max Blumenthal against O’Keefe in an attempt to smear Andrew Breitbart, but this video covers it well. This guy shouldn’t be involved with any journalism beyond ranting in the comment section of HuffPo.
I am always startled by the surreal contrast of the left. They could not appear more different while simultaneously they could not be more ideologically identical it is the “Clone Wars.”
There is no debate about the merits of different ideas, goals, or unintended consequences. Even in a supposedly fierce primary between Obama and Hillary. Only a disagreement about how fast to a Statist Utopia is Plausible. Followed by what methods are acceptable typically somewhere between legal and media manipulation to spilling blood.
Sure the right is mostly working class, white, religious, and married people but thank goodness we all disagree about the values and priority of everything. If you want your idea to win you have to win over as many people as possible and then hold onto them from fierce competition of differing views. CPAC had this on full display. The left should try some more cognitive dissonance and less Borg-like conformity. It is messier but you have a much better chance of being right.
Stephen Crowder hasn’t made a video in a while…
Feb 18
Someone needs to make giant posters saying: The Empire State Building was completed in 13 MONTHS and hang them at every union job in America.
The main reason Rome wasn’t built in a day is because if it had been…the unions would have raised hell about it.
I’ve been following this stream on YouTube for a while- this guy is really good. His regular “How the World Works” shows are definitely worth listening to. Nice to see Crowder recommend him.
I don’t think it is the unions delaying the construction at WTC,
it’s the design selection team that couldn’t decide, and
survivors groups who want to make a memorial out of the whole area.
I don’t care if it is the design teams, the unions or the government, ground zero still looks like ground zero. How many years and nothing accomplished ??? Not acceptable.
I wonder what if we dug a pit at ground zero and and filled it with the bodies of our enemies with an endless fire burning from their carcasses. Obviously we would have a a 110 story high platform. Where survivors could throw captured enemies off. Well that or we could forgive them and turn the other cheek… Really I am undecided still.
When it comes to Race hate in the modern World you could summarize it briefly Light Brown hates Dark Brown, Dark Brown hates Black, Black hates White, and Everyone hates White and their cousins within their own race the most. Basically we hate whichever race we are around and whichever race we see as having power over us. Of course this just has to do with mental shortcuts more then any unique genetic structure.
Some people whenever they see military-camo its a good thing and for others its a nightmare. Same thing with the red and blue of police. We just lump them all together by color and regardless of our own behavior if we had mostly good or mostly bad interactions leads us to a Pavlovian response to that color/appearance.
In a sick way we are really fortunate that the international left keeps throwing gas on the race and religious hatred fires otherwise we would probably have a one world government by now.
Also if you want to know what a leftist is thinking its one of two thoughts. First, “How can I use this person to gain power and control over others.” Or secondly, “How can I use this person to make myself look and feel superior to everyone else here.”
One of the reasons I never miss Breitbart’s sites or speeches is that he is not afraid to call out journalistic malpractice. He also put a Times reporter on the carpet for accusing a speaker of being a racist because he had an accent.
I’d like to see Crowder put out a video of the media bias over the last decade. Never mind. There isn’t enough band width on the entire inter tubes for that.