You’ll all stop claiming global warming is imaginary when the last of the unicorns dies.
Canada whupped us soundly at curling. Now what happens if Canada takes up hockey and gets serious at that?
The Chinese could get good at curling. There might even be people in that country named “Cur Ling.”
It’s like we angered the curling gods or something.
I’d hate to be miked while playing curling; don’t know if I could keep my mind on the game if I had to keep remembering not to say ethnic slurs.
I worry that in the future Olympic coverage will get so PC they won’t assume we want to watch the Americans compete.
Wow. A pointless curling game officially holds more interest to me than 24. Well, 24 comes every year.
I pity any of you who never knew pre-TV Glenn Beck.
From my experience, Glenn Beck is hugely entertaining whenever he isn’t taking himself too seriously.
I ragged on Beck years ago. Now it’s the popular thing, so I’m going to stop. I’m a conservative; I hate what the cool kids are doing.
Shuster after last shot: “I’m sick of this stupid game.” Well I’m more into it than ever.
Just a couple of inches difference in those first four games and we’d be readying for the semifinals. Curling is a harsh mistress.
They should do a reality show following Shuster and team after this Olympics competition.
Forget about curling, Frank. We have guns. They don’t. Enough said.
Looks like the USA is to curling what the Raiders are to football.
frank never forget about curling… never. when you take away football, baseball, hockey, basketball, womens tennis, our happyness, our standard of living, the fact that we still use mph instead of kph… well then curling is all we have left. I cant let you take that away from me.
The ancient Greeks actually played a game very similar to curling except that instead of ice they played it on an open plane and instead of a stone they used a spear and instead of gliding it along the ice they jammed it into their enemies’ guts with a clockwise 32 degree twist (plus or minus 3 degrees).
Oh….and they did it nekkid.
“Hey LORD,..I’ve got green alligators, and long necked geese, some humpy-backed cammels and some chimpanzees’
some cats, and rats, and elephants, but Lord, I’m forlorn, I just can’t find those unicorns.”
And Noah looked out thru the pourin’ rain, them unicorns were hidin’, playing silly games,
kickin’ and a splashin’ while the rain was pour’n, here’s how it ended for them silly unicorns.
Noah cried,”Close the door,’cuz the rains a pour’n, we just can’t wait for them unicorn.”
The ark started movin’, and rode up on the tide, the unicorns stopped their play and they cried.
The rains continued and floated them away, and that’s why you never see unicorns to this day.
You’ll see green alligators, and long neck geese, some humpy-backed camels, and some chimpanzees,
You’ll see cats, and rats, and elephants, but sure as you’re born, you’re never gonna see no unicorns.
True story
Chinese Science!tists are way ahead of the U.S. in finding kids with the Cur Ling gene.
It is either,” unicorn dies”, or “unicorns die”, not “unicorns dies”
[My judgment was that “last of the unicorns” is a singular, and my judgment is law. -Ed.]
The Left is hoping Frank J. never latches on to Andrew Breitbart & Dana Loesch advocating for ‘Weaponizing Citizen Journalists’ (PJTV)
Pre TV Beck was great. TV Beck gets a leeelte bit hyper. Just a little. Like pmsnbc has a tiny bit of bias.
I just ordered cur-ling for lunch. Comes with spicy mustard and egg rolls.
Someone else’s random thoughts: Dirty Deeds, Done With Sheep;
Curling would be more interesting if it was more like biathlon.
If the Raiders were doing curling, it would be a much more interesting game to watch. Just see what they do with those broomsticks…
Pre-TV Glen Beck was very good. Funny, irreverent, informative. Today’s Glen Beck is a nut case.
BTW The Lions would make a better curling team. Factoid They are actually North of Canada
You want numba one Cur-ring you come to Woo Fong’s Gourmet Chinese Restraint in beautiful downtown Fresno, California. I makie with numba one secret ingredient…cat, no use MSG, just rittle bit a cat, it best Cur-ring you can buy….Woo Fong, owner, Woo Fong’s Gourmet Chinese Restraint, Fresno CA.
Unicorns were in the Old Testament and were the symbol of Ephraim.
In the Hebrew Old Testament, the word that is found in the texts referenced above is re’em, which is translated “wild ox” in the later versions. Most scholars believe the term refers to a large, fierce ox of the ancient world — a beast that now is extinct.
“The translators of the Greek Old Testament (Septuagint) rendered re’mes by the Greek term monokeros (“one horn”), on the basis of certain pictographs which were among the ruins of ancient Babylon. The carvings depicted the “wild ox” in profile form, thus seeming to suggest that the creature had but a single horn Out of this background derived the “one horn” perception.
Biblical evidence, however, indicates otherwise. Note that in Deuteronomy 33:17, the re’em is described as having “horns” (plural), not a single horn. No mythology can be charged to the Bible in connection with the term “unicorn.””
well hell; I was hoping for more on the… “cruel missiress” line.
Unicorns(Plural) have horns(Plural), in Deut33:17. Each ‘unicorn’ has one horn.
Given the Middle East’s fascination with Rhinoceros’ horns to this day, the unicorn mentioned in the bible
is conceivably the rhinoceros (like a large fierce ox, with one horn).
More like “Pre- ‘imminent collapse of America’ Beck”.
Hopefully America will one day be secure enough to return to
those days.
I miss More On Trivia , Jep-retard-y,
and the funniest radio bit of all time- the
“Valentine Couple of the Year ” show.
Cur Ling the harsh misstress meets the unicorn. Sounds like that other site I go to all the time.
Look I just got my new Kimber, I’m a little giddy, give me a break.
When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain,
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain,
In the shadow of the forest, though she may be old and worn,
The will stare, unbelieving, at the Last Unicorn.
When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing,
And you look to the north and a pale Moon is rising,
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn,
In the distance hear the laughter of the Last Unicorn.
I’m alive, I’m alive!
When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning,
And the future has pasted without even a last desperate warning,
Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn,
Look and see her how she sparkles, it’s the Last Unicorn.
I’m alive, I’m alive!
(but you’re all screwed, I guess. See ya!)
Frank – if you haven’t seen this, it’s awesome. Heavy metal and curling – made for each other.
They must take curling pretty seriously in Sweden.