Here’s a quiz:
Which one of these videos is a sketch from Saturday Night Live, and which is a video of a real-life event?
Video number one:
Video number two:
Could you tell?
Both are funny, but for different reasons.
One is an Academy Award-winning actor playing a dumbass who has no concept of numbers. The other is a United States president actually being a dumbass who has no concept of numbers, saying that insurance rates would go down 3-thousand percent under his plan.
Comedy writers could imagine the first. No one could imagine the second. Except it’s real. Sadly, sadly real.
But it does help explain why I’ve been saying that everyone who voted for Obama is a dumbass.
You’ll notice very few of the useful idiots raised their hands when he asked if their insurance was paid for by their employer.
I wonder why that is?
Once again….imagine if Bush had said that.
I had seen that SNL sketch when it originally aired and thought it was one of the funniest things, but I hadn’t seen it since. Thanks for posting that.
Anything falling 3000% should create a cosmic singularity. He really is God.
So, if insurance rates go down 100%, that means it’s free. If they go down 3,000%, does that mean the insurance PAYS us 2,900%? I can’t see this being a good business strategy.
Figures the government would come up with it.
Now there’s a man I’d like to work for. I’d tell him that I’d love so very much to work for him that I’d practically work for nothing – just one penny for the whole first day of work, then two pennies the next whole day, then four pennies the next, and so on – doubling my teeny wage every day – you know, just so people wouldn’t think he’s cheap and taking advantage of his employee… I bet Obama would think he made himself a great deal.
Next time I’m in DC, I’ll have to stop by the White House and ask Obama for change for a $5. That should pay for my vacation easily.
Oh, and thank God we got that idiot W out of the White House to make way for a professor.
Another SNL character that O-bah-muhh is very much like: Tommy Flanagan, The Pathological Liar.
Christopher Walken probably was reading off cue cards, and was comedic gold. O-bah-muhh, minus his teleprompters, is comedic gold. Dangerous as hell, but comedic gold.
What conservatives are missing is the simple fact theat there are two different paradigms in America. One, the conservative mindset, believes that while the good of the nation is bigger than one individual’s needs and wants, the nation cannot achieve that status without letting that free individual to acheive his needs and wants without government interference.
Conservatives believe in principles -integrity, honor, God, family, responsibility, acheivement etc.
Liberals believe in nothing except whatever allows them to acheive their end – principles are reduced to winning only. Truth may change on a moments notice but only because they say it.
Liberals understand the power of lies and deception better. They know that people want to be lied to, that life is different than what it really is -that there is a perpetual free lunch by stealing from your neighbor and call it taxes. Liberals kinow how to divide and conquer, how to make people unproductively dependent through orchestrated victimhood -conservative seek unity -the melting pot. Liberals believe that if you talk nice -evil others wont hurt you. Conservatives know better, but foolishly ignore the fact that most people respond not to reason and thought, but to orchestrated crisis, fear, greed etc.
The game is near over now -we shall see who wins. Being right, doesn’t always result in victory -but then again God’s in charge.
Why is he saying the insurance companies are evil for raising their rates just because he’s about to bankrupt them? They’re doing everyone a favor, 3000% of $10,000 is a mere $300,000, if they up it to $15,000, you get $450,000!! Then again, maybe it’s them being greedy, since they’re all going to be unemployed in a few years, I guess they need the money.
So when the population increases overnight by 10% and however many tens of thousands of people who work for insurance companies lose their jobs….what’s the unemployment rate going to be? 2500%?
I think saying everyone who voted for Obama is a dumbass is way, way too kind. Almost praise. I believe they are complete idiots and imbeciles who use their brain just fill up the space inside their skull to prevent echo. As well as several chice words I won’t repeat here ’cause I’m sure Frank would prefer I don’t utter a string of profanities that would make truck drivers blush on this fine blog. They’re probably hippies for whom a punch or five dozen in the face is way too good too.
But does he mean that rates will drop by 3000% in all 57 states?
It might be possible…after all, the value of my Toyota has recently dropped about 3,000 percent.
premiums will fall 3,000% in all 57 states.
1) Much like the global warming farce, I don’t remember when there was ever ANY “debate” about anything in this communist takeover named the “healthcare” bill.
2) 3,000 percent? One more reason you shouldn’t send your kid to Harvard.
3) Sarah Palin speaks and draws 10,000 people to her rallies. The “most beloved president in history” can only draw 200.
A vast crowd showed up, but only 200 were willing to leave their torches and pitchforks outside.
Brilliant Basil.
Maybe you should do the Robot Theater bit with the two combined and the 57 states, and all the other bits. Or redub the dialog, or something.
I’m looking at my form right now. I’m tempted to list 80 people living here, since it’s not April 1 yet, you never know. At the rate Obama is instituting collectivism, this could be a collective farm with 80 people working my 120 by 35 foot townhome yard by April 1. April 1 is an odd day actually to be asking about. How many April Fools jokes will be sent out on these forms?
Or I can list three. Myself. Then there’s the first adopted daughter being white and age 14, and the second (her fraternal twin sister) being a mix of white and tabby. They spend time in jail on occasion. We call it a carrier.