We shall fight on the beaches,
We shall fight on the landing grounds,
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
We shall fight in the hills,
We shall punch the hippies.
We shall never surrender!
the Dems just stuck a pistol in their collective ear and pulled the trigger. Virginia and 10 other states will file suit tomorrow in federal court to halt implementation of this monster. they don’t need to win, just hold it up till November.
Thanks for the encouragement, today has been a horrendous day for Americans and for our country. The nightmare just keeps getting worse… and having Pelosi in there doesn’t help!!!
Many questioned why James Madison wanted to add what ultimately became the 9th Amendment to the Constitution, as the body of the Constitution clearly spells out the very few, limited powers granted to the federal government. So, many felt that, since the legislators were only granted limited powers, there was no reason to spell out any more restrictions for fear of simultaneously inferring the existence of additional powers in the attempt. However, Madison felt it necessary to point out that the people of the United States not only have the freedoms from government intervention specifically protected in the body of the Constitution, but also others not specified. So, he settled for a more vague wording, but with a clear meaning. Despite his best efforts, Madison’s worst fears were realized tonight. Let’s hope that states exercise the powers granted to them in the 10th Amendment to block enforcement of this attempted, unconstitutional government power-grab.
I expected this. I didn’t know who would flip at the last moment but I was sure it would happen.
Nor was I sure what fig leaf would be used to explain the switch but I never dreamed it would be so trivial and base; Stupak got an EO that means utterly nothing? An EO can be negated at will. Of course there will be no need to negate it, the departments will simply be quietly told to ignore it.
Overall this ObamaCare battle was rougher than usual. This sort of corruption is normal and will surprise only those who seldom watch Washington politics. About eight months ago I concluded that O, Nancy, et al. actually wanted a tremendous fight and thought it could really hurt the GOP. They were quite happy if their opponents made the tremendous protests. Because, at the end of the day, Nancy and Reid thought they already had the votes nailed down.
But events didn’t quite follow that scenario. The protests and dislike of the plan was much greater than they expected. Too many Dems in vulnerable seats wavered. Finally, to salvage the situation the Dem leadership ……….. well, we know what they did.
Obama is by nature a gambler. It has worked for him so far. And like a gambler he will try to screw us even worse beginning tomorrow morning. The delay won’t even be 24 hours.
Which will it be? Cap-And-Trade, Card Check, Immigration, crushing tax increases, federal control of the internet, shut down talk radio? Or just giving billions to Dem favorites? Or foreign policy?
Tune in tomorrow, you won’t have to wait for the next bad news.
Thank you for not taking the negative nancy rhetoric I have already been hearing. We will come back and there will be fire in the bellies of American voters. A lot of Reps just signed their retirement plans but when they lose in Nov. will call themselves martyrs…disgusting.
There’s an old saying: “Give someone enough rope and they’ll eventually hang themselves with it.”
Or something along those lines. What they’ve done tonight is proven yet again why Democrats should not be allowed anywhere NEAR the White House, much less in it.
And that will be reflected in this coming November and in November 2012. I do hope Obie runs again in 2012, but I have a feeling that after we boot the rats out later this year, he’ll just slither away in another two years, smiling about his attempt to run our nation aground.
This is the disaster we get for not returning welfare, health-care, and education to the states during the Bush years.
It is called Federalism and a lot of you ass-hat republicans who thought you would be have a Rovian hold on the government for generations missed a small window to avert this catastrophe.
Good Government taxes and spends as locally as possible.
Can we get back to the Federalists and Anti-Federalists? Please? Or at least have the Goldwater Republicans to stop drinking the Ron Paul peyote and get back into the real conversation! Goldwater zombie for 2012!
America will soon enjoy the same one-week waiting time to see a general practitioner, and the month-minimum waiting list for the simplest of tests that I do.
Anyone who claims this sh*t is an improvement on the American status quo has never lived under socialized health care.
Oh, and I’m the lucky one. Southern Italy? It’s cockroach-infested “clinics” with minimal hygene, where unfireable medics protected by the unions take smoking breaks in what should be sterile clothes, and where dying even of something like an appendectomy is routine. In other words, welcome to the third world.
The camel’s back has been broken and our enemies are celebrating. All that’s left to finish us off is to hand over the vote to millions of criminals and the 3rd world has won.
The Capitalists Americans will sell us elect the rope with which we they will hang them themselves.
For those of you who aren’t religious I really feel for you. I at least find some solace that someday and maybe in my lifetime Jesus will return at set us free from these thieves and kings. I would be beside myself today if I didn’t have that larger perspective and hope.
Welcome to the third world !!!! A third world president for a third world nation.
No border control? Check !
Socialized medicine? Check!
Leaders living like kings while the taxpayers drown? Check!
Politicians get rich throught under the table deals while the citizenry is oppressed by taxes and regulations? Check!
I don’t know, maybe it’s time to try a new tactic. Maybe it’s time to show liberals what a really dependent country looks like and that they are the ones who now have to pay for it. Maybe it’s time to start taking advantage, and I mean that in the broadest sense, of the social programs so touted by the left. After all I’m getting old and I’ve worked hard all my life paying for other people to sit on their butts. Maybe it’s time to get laid off, get on the government dole, have lots and lots and lots of physical and emotional problems that the government has to fix over and over and over again. Medicade, medicare, food stamps, welfare are all things people have used for years to live on. Since I’m older I’ve paid quite a bit into the system.
It’s my turn. . It will be a Change from being a productive member of society and Hopefully an entree into the protected class of the terminally dysfunctional. Yes, I can
I have my annual physical scheduled for this Wednesday… Do you think it’s too early to give the doctor my new billing address as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500? How cool would that be? Thanks for picking up the tab, yo!
“Honor comes, not in defeating evil, but in taking up arms against it”
~ Old Norse Proverb (stupid scandis!)
Yes we lost the battle but hopefully it will be a Pyrrhic victory for the Dems. We must prep the battle space by keeping alive the issue that, despite the wishes of the majority of their constituents, Democrat congresscritters voted for the wishes of the San Francisco cabal.
We must keep Republicans honest to conservative values. We can give some slack when required (Scott Brown) but only as much as required. We must dis-abuse the RNC of the idea that an incumbent RINO must be supported over a conservative candidate (Sphinctor Spector).
We must keep reminding voters of all the broken promises, shady deals, and semi-legal (illegal?) exceptions made and granted to pass this abortion of a law. We need to keep reminding voters in conservative districts that elected Democrats that their votes were responsible for this fiasco.
Perhaps our battle cry should be: Blue dog. Yellow dog. At the end of the day, a Democrat is a Democrat!
This is not the beginning of the end. It is the end of the beginning. They f’ed up big time. Now the gloves come off. November is gonna be a bloodbath.
God bless you, Frank, for you don’t know right you are.
We owe it to ourselves. We owe it to our children. And we owe it those who shed blood so that we are still standing today.
As the Scots said many years ago, never bend a knee.
Thanks for the words, Frank.
And thanks for running this blog with Harvey, Basil and your good wife.
Winston Churchill is appropriate:
We shall fight on the beaches,
We shall fight on the landing grounds,
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
We shall fight in the hills,
We shall punch the hippies.
We shall never surrender!
Bart Stupak is a Judas. Send money to his opponent, pro-life conservative surgeon Dan Benishek.
Benishek for Congress
802 Pentoga Trail
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
the Dems just stuck a pistol in their collective ear and pulled the trigger. Virginia and 10 other states will file suit tomorrow in federal court to halt implementation of this monster. they don’t need to win, just hold it up till November.
The backlash from this will be something to behold.
Goodbye Stupak. Nice knowing ya.
Critter, they DO need to win.
Repeal will take 2/3 to overcome Obama”s veto.
@Fosterdad: Benishek doesn’t have a web page up for donations yet, but I’m sure that’ll be fixed in the next 24 hours.
Many folks are joining him on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&gid=287806148754
Personally, I would join, but I’m anti-social networking.
It could be worse. We could be French.
Thanks for the encouragement, today has been a horrendous day for Americans and for our country. The nightmare just keeps getting worse… and having Pelosi in there doesn’t help!!!
Many questioned why James Madison wanted to add what ultimately became the 9th Amendment to the Constitution, as the body of the Constitution clearly spells out the very few, limited powers granted to the federal government. So, many felt that, since the legislators were only granted limited powers, there was no reason to spell out any more restrictions for fear of simultaneously inferring the existence of additional powers in the attempt. However, Madison felt it necessary to point out that the people of the United States not only have the freedoms from government intervention specifically protected in the body of the Constitution, but also others not specified. So, he settled for a more vague wording, but with a clear meaning. Despite his best efforts, Madison’s worst fears were realized tonight. Let’s hope that states exercise the powers granted to them in the 10th Amendment to block enforcement of this attempted, unconstitutional government power-grab.
We will retake America
I expected this. I didn’t know who would flip at the last moment but I was sure it would happen.
Nor was I sure what fig leaf would be used to explain the switch but I never dreamed it would be so trivial and base; Stupak got an EO that means utterly nothing? An EO can be negated at will. Of course there will be no need to negate it, the departments will simply be quietly told to ignore it.
Overall this ObamaCare battle was rougher than usual. This sort of corruption is normal and will surprise only those who seldom watch Washington politics. About eight months ago I concluded that O, Nancy, et al. actually wanted a tremendous fight and thought it could really hurt the GOP. They were quite happy if their opponents made the tremendous protests. Because, at the end of the day, Nancy and Reid thought they already had the votes nailed down.
But events didn’t quite follow that scenario. The protests and dislike of the plan was much greater than they expected. Too many Dems in vulnerable seats wavered. Finally, to salvage the situation the Dem leadership ……….. well, we know what they did.
Obama is by nature a gambler. It has worked for him so far. And like a gambler he will try to screw us even worse beginning tomorrow morning. The delay won’t even be 24 hours.
Which will it be? Cap-And-Trade, Card Check, Immigration, crushing tax increases, federal control of the internet, shut down talk radio? Or just giving billions to Dem favorites? Or foreign policy?
Tune in tomorrow, you won’t have to wait for the next bad news.
This is the war that never ends!
Yes it goes on and on, my friends.
Somebody started fighting it, well knowing what it was,
And now we’ll keep on fighting it forever just because
This is the war that never ends! (continues ad infinitum)
Thank you for not taking the negative nancy rhetoric I have already been hearing. We will come back and there will be fire in the bellies of American voters. A lot of Reps just signed their retirement plans but when they lose in Nov. will call themselves martyrs…disgusting.
I’m with you, Mitt. I vowed long ago never to be anything like the hysterical lefties I know.
I honestly don’t think we can lose the good fight. We can surrender it, but not lose it. The folks are on our side.
And we are not French.
Thank you for the words of encouragement, Frank.
As long we are alive, we will keep on fighting to the end.
There’s an old saying: “Give someone enough rope and they’ll eventually hang themselves with it.”
Or something along those lines. What they’ve done tonight is proven yet again why Democrats should not be allowed anywhere NEAR the White House, much less in it.
And that will be reflected in this coming November and in November 2012. I do hope Obie runs again in 2012, but I have a feeling that after we boot the rats out later this year, he’ll just slither away in another two years, smiling about his attempt to run our nation aground.
This is the disaster we get for not returning welfare, health-care, and education to the states during the Bush years.
It is called Federalism and a lot of you ass-hat republicans who thought you would be have a Rovian hold on the government for generations missed a small window to avert this catastrophe.
Good Government taxes and spends as locally as possible.
Can we get back to the Federalists and Anti-Federalists? Please? Or at least have the Goldwater Republicans to stop drinking the Ron Paul peyote and get back into the real conversation! Goldwater zombie for 2012!
America will soon enjoy the same one-week waiting time to see a general practitioner, and the month-minimum waiting list for the simplest of tests that I do.
Anyone who claims this sh*t is an improvement on the American status quo has never lived under socialized health care.
Oh, and I’m the lucky one. Southern Italy? It’s cockroach-infested “clinics” with minimal hygene, where unfireable medics protected by the unions take smoking breaks in what should be sterile clothes, and where dying even of something like an appendectomy is routine. In other words, welcome to the third world.
The camel’s back has been broken and our enemies are celebrating. All that’s left to finish us off is to hand over the vote to millions of criminals and the 3rd world has won.
CapitalistsAmericans willsell uselect the rope with whichwethey will hangthemthemselves.For those of you who aren’t religious I really feel for you. I at least find some solace that someday and maybe in my lifetime Jesus will return at set us free from these thieves and kings. I would be beside myself today if I didn’t have that larger perspective and hope.
Remember the Alamo!!! We can still come back and defeat the Statists.
Welcome to the third world !!!! A third world president for a third world nation.
No border control? Check !
Socialized medicine? Check!
Leaders living like kings while the taxpayers drown? Check!
Politicians get rich throught under the table deals while the citizenry is oppressed by taxes and regulations? Check!
It’s time for the States to regain control and cut the head off of this Federal beast.
I don’t know, maybe it’s time to try a new tactic. Maybe it’s time to show liberals what a really dependent country looks like and that they are the ones who now have to pay for it. Maybe it’s time to start taking advantage, and I mean that in the broadest sense, of the social programs so touted by the left. After all I’m getting old and I’ve worked hard all my life paying for other people to sit on their butts. Maybe it’s time to get laid off, get on the government dole, have lots and lots and lots of physical and emotional problems that the government has to fix over and over and over again. Medicade, medicare, food stamps, welfare are all things people have used for years to live on. Since I’m older I’ve paid quite a bit into the system.
It’s my turn. . It will be a Change from being a productive member of society and Hopefully an entree into the protected class of the terminally dysfunctional. Yes, I can
I have my annual physical scheduled for this Wednesday… Do you think it’s too early to give the doctor my new billing address as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500? How cool would that be? Thanks for picking up the tab, yo!
Yes we lost the battle but hopefully it will be a Pyrrhic victory for the Dems. We must prep the battle space by keeping alive the issue that, despite the wishes of the majority of their constituents, Democrat congresscritters voted for the wishes of the San Francisco cabal.
We must keep Republicans honest to conservative values. We can give some slack when required (Scott Brown) but only as much as required. We must dis-abuse the RNC of the idea that an incumbent RINO must be supported over a conservative candidate (
SphinctorSpector).We must keep reminding voters of all the broken promises, shady deals, and semi-legal (illegal?) exceptions made and granted to pass this abortion of a law. We need to keep reminding voters in conservative districts that elected Democrats that their votes were responsible for this fiasco.
Perhaps our battle cry should be:
Blue dog. Yellow dog. At the end of the day, a Democrat is a Democrat!
This is not the beginning of the end. It is the end of the beginning. They f’ed up big time. Now the gloves come off. November is gonna be a bloodbath.