Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes

I hadn’t plugged t-shirts in a while, so I was thinking, “Hey, maybe I should plug t-shirts.”

See, the baby is coming soon and we still have to buy the baby baby stuff and baby stuff costs money and I get money anytime you buy an IMAO branded t-shirt. Plus, SarahK says if I don’t get enough money, she’ll beat me, and I am very scared. Pregnancy has made her crazy!

So buy my t-shirts!

You can also put money in my tip jar through Pay Pal (link on left sidebar) if you want. If it helps, imagine I have a gun to your head and a crazy look in my eyes.

Anyway, there is my begging. I don’t beg much, but with a baby coming I guess it’s worth begging. She better be an awesome baby with cool baby powers.


  1. I thought Obama was suppose to take care of all of this kind of stuff. Cash for clunkers, etc. I’m certain that by the time the baby arrives we will have a Federal Department of Baby Shoes to oversee and allocate money to parents of babies!

  2. Babies don’t wear shoes, Frank. They wear booties. Get with the program. Your good wife (or relative or friend) can crochets or knit them. (See, I know all about this stuff ’cause I was a baby once.)

    One of your commenters runs a website where she sells home-made, crocheted booties, but I can’t remember the name.

  3. “Operational battle diaper”
    “Stinky pants of doooooom”


    Little bundles of joy (that fall out of the diaper).
    The business end of the baby.

  4. True story: My wife was 8 months pregnant in December in Baltimore. I got home from work in a blizzard with iced roads. She told me she wanted a folding pool lounger so she could use it in the kitchen while I made dinner. We did not have one. Again, it was December, and I knew such items would not be for sale until Spring in any store anywhere within 20 miles of our house. She asked me to go get one.

    I got in the car and went back out into the blizzard on the ice covered streets of Baltimore to find one. I brought back ice cream, which was the closest thing I could find to a pool lounger. I lived another day.

    Do what your sweet, darling, pregnant wife wants Frank J., and do it now!

  5. Frank, do you have your level 3 hazmat suit? All new daddies need one, just in case Mama decides you need to learn how to change diapers. Those cute little bundles of joy are just nasty through and through.

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