Dealing with life on Titan

NASA has some big announcement today. And there’s speculation that they found life in outer space.

Where? On Titan, according to the stories.

Why do the news-like people think that’s what NASA’s big announcement will be? Because of some article NASA posted back in June. It included this NASA-speak:

This lack of acetylene is important because that chemical would likely be the best energy source for a methane-based life on Titan, said Chris McKay, an astrobiologist at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., who proposed a set of conditions necessary for this kind of methane-based life on Titan in 2005. One interpretation of the acetylene data is that the hydrocarbon is being consumed as food. But McKay said the flow of hydrogen is even more critical because all of their proposed mechanisms involved the consumption of hydrogen.

What I read into all that is that there are some chemicals disappearing on a moon orbiting a planet that’s 9-1/2 times as far away from the sun as the Earth is.

Is there life on Titan causing those chemicals to disappear? Nobody knows.

But what if there is? Is it dangerous life? It might be. Every movie I’ve every seen about life on other planets involves them trying to kill us, so I don’t trust them.

We need to kill Titanians first. And, I think Obama has a plan to do just that.

NASA has been doing outreach to Muslims.

NASA has been planning a one-way space ship trip.

What do these two things mean?

Obama is going to have NASA send suicide bombers to Titan to blow it up.

Damn infidel microbes.

See? Obama knows what he’s doing after all. He’s the mostest smirt presidential president we’ve ever had.


  1. Why should we assume that the life on Titan is hostile?

    We need to be sure be for we act. I propose we send the most qualified people in America to negotiate with them. Obama, Biden, both Clintons and Harry Reid would be a good delegation.

    And if they do turn out to be hostile, well at least we tried the olive branch before we nuked that moon.

  2. I hate to burst your conflagration bubble, DamnCat, but Titan lacks an oxidizer.

    Besides, it’s Europa I’m worried about. We were warned! How do we know they aren’t amassing a large invasion fleet under their frozen ocean to conquer Earth? Huh?

    “Astrobiologists” – term makes me chuckle sometimes. An astrobiologist is someone who sits in his chair on Earth looking at a spectral plot of the light coming from another world and speculates on the presence of biochemistry there. What a stupid-ass job!

  3. I…Algor Manbearpig can tell you what the problem is. The disappearing chemicals are the fault of Titanic global warming caused by Titankind’s dependence on chemical fuels. I have been warning Titankind for years about the dangers of over dependence on acetylene, I even wrote a book about it. It’s only twentyfive krylons at most discerning bookstores on Titan ….Algor Manbearpig, making a fortune from a Titanic fraud, Titan

  4. Titan? After reading article about art, I thought you were talking about Titian.

    Anyway, here’s the thing. These organisms, if indeed they can be called organisms, consume acetylene. Now the only other things I know of that consumes acetylene are torches. So, this could be a fire-breathing kind of animal. That would be kuhl.

  5. I agree with Basil, we need to kill the Titanians first. Thogh maybe they should be called “Titanics” instead. Either way, the lack of acetylene is mighty suspicious to me, clearly they are involved in some nefarious plot. I bet they want to steal our acetylene.

    Don’t hesitate, annihilate. That’s my motto.

  6. Hmmm disappearing chemicals on a moon of Jupiter, and teddy kennedy just died a while back, coincidence?

    NASA not reaching out to muslemns but instead actually exploring space, hmm another lie from that one?

    Frank goes to Texas, and suddenly there is life outside of Earth’s atmosphere, hmmm.

  7. Too bad, it turns out the life NASA found wasn’t on Titan, it was in California. I know, I was surprised anyone still lives in that poster child for failed progressive policies too. But it was just bacteria they found, not intelligent life, hence Pelosi’s re-election.

  8. All of that acetylene and methane prove one thing…. Titan has chili dogs. Only chili dogs can produce those chemicals in those combonations and amounts. And it takes life to make chili dogs.

  9. This is great news….somehow. I’m pretty sure we should do something about too. Send the CCSI’s Cosmic Crime Scene Investigators. They can solve any mystery in under an hour.

  10. Flying cows on Titan? WOW! I bet you need stainless steel umbrellas to keep from getting konked on the head by their huge droppings. I think we need to send some F-16s to shoot down the cows, then it’s “BEEF, it’s what’s for dinner” time!

    Wait I minute, I’m looking at Titan as we speak through my super duper peachy keen double triple awesome telescope and I can see some letters forming in the atmosphere. Hold on, they’re getting clearer, they say “Eat more chik’n”. Mmmmm.

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