Maybe it would help settle disputes in politics if we all came to an agreement on what the country’s mission statement is.
Apparently the only thing that can stop Buttercup from crying right now is the sun.
When liberals talk about voters voting against their own interests, it’s interesting they think the optimal voter is a whiny, selfish wiener.
I’ve been messing with all the states we passed through, but we entered Texas, so I’d better stop.
Ask any liberal: If Bristol wins DWTS, it will be a million times worse than Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
So how hard would it be for one of the tens of thousands of TSA agents to sneak a weapon past security? And what happens when terrorists figure out they can attack other things than planes? Are we repeating this everywhere?
Thanksgiving is the day liberals give thanks that we let them exist despite the fact that we conservatives have guns and are crazy and violent.
The new iOS is revolutionary. Now I can seamlessly move between Angry Birds and videos on how to get 3 stars in Angry Birds.
Due to the economy, Santa will be labeling a record number of children as bad to save on gifts and sleigh gas.
If you want kids these days to have realistic body expectations, watch standard definition shows and stretch to fill a widescreen.
Lots of brick houses in Texas. Must be because of all the wolves.
Wish the real world was more like Professor Layton’s world where everyone throws puzzles at you all the time.
I’ve barely seen anyone who I don’t think either loves Sarah Palin too much or hates her too much.
As for Mike Huckabee, everyone I know hates him too much and at the same time NOT NEARLY ENOUGH!
Like how the Ft. Worth Zoo had dispensers where for 25 cents you get small rocks to throw at the monkeys.
Kinda weird how Steven Wright mastered Twitter long before Twitter existed.
Had to explain to my nephew who Aquaman is. What are they teaching them in schools these days?
So do Democrats have an economic plan beyond whining about rich people?
“Speed monitored by aircraft.” Yeah, whatever. “Oh no! The sky cops are gonna get me!” Better sign: “Speed monitored by hidden ninjas.”
So who are these people who keep trying to patronize convenience stores without their shirts and shoes?
Why are some people getting worked up over the idea of the rich getting their taxes raised. How exactly does that help anyone?
The Angry Birds advent calendar with a new level every day is pretty awesome.
When I retire, I think I’ll become a grizzled prospector.
Frank! We all thought you were dead, so please forgive us for giving up on you and turning to that spicy guy.
That isn’t many random thoughts for two weeks, Frank. You must have been doing something else… like messing with Texas.
I, for one, would like a full report on Texas and why we should all move there with our bank accounts and guns prior to Texas declaring independence.
The MAACO Bowl? On December 22nd? How the hell did that happen? Against Utah? That is going to be like the gheyest bowl ever! My Hawks did their part and dropped their last three games to get down to Boise States level, but even they are playing on December 28th against Missouri! The MAACO Bowl? Does the winner get a Muffler or something? At least the Hawks are in the Insight Bowl which denotes…well…Insight! We’ll just have to beat the stuffing out of Missouri! That will be the last time they accept a bowl invitation to play Iowa! Pain, ma boy…PAIN!
Oh, I get it…Much Appreciation Admiration Cheer Obama Bowl. MAACO!
I hear that taking a leak on the side of the road doesn’t qualify as “messing with Texas.” How odd, you’d think “pissing on Texas” would be a worst offense than “messing with Texas.”
Welcome back Frank! Yay!
Due to the economy, Santa will be labeling a record number of children as bad to save on gifts and
sleighreindeer gasRemember, Santa rides behind the reindeer all night.
Fun fact: Houses made of brick are more bullet resistant than houses made of wood? Coincidence???
As for aircraft tracking your speed, it might be best if you have SarahK spotting for aircraft (assuming you’re driving). This works best if you have a sunroof. Make sure she has one of those decks of playing cards with aircraft silhouettes on them so she can distinguish friend from foe.
Why are some people getting worked up over the idea of the rich getting their taxes raised.
And why do people think that “the rich” are also “the high income”? This is an INCOME tax we’re talking about here, not a wealth tax. Now, nearly all the rich are also high-income, since most wealth creates income, but many of the high-income are not rich. As Thomas Sowell has pointed out time and time again, it’s quite common for somebody to be high-income in one year but not others. Of course, it’s also quite possible (I used to see it frequently when I was Silicon Valley Jim) for high-income people to spend so much money that they never got rich.
My suggestion for national mission statement is:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Of course, most of the left side of the aisle would refuse just because of the source.
“Like how the Ft. Worth Zoo had dispensers where for 25 cents you get small rocks to throw at the monkeys.”
It’s a new International exhibit designed to let you feel like a Muslim.
When we moved here, we thought it odd the houses are all brick. Then we thought it was because of all the termites. Turns out it is just a brick veneer. Weird. I think that’s a good thing though if it makes it more bullet resistant. God knows we’re all heavily armed around here!
“Love Sarah Palin too much?” Unless you’ve been running into ppl w/ Palin tattoos who name their kids “Sarapalin,” WTF are you talking about?!
And if Texans don’t form a militia, start killing drug cartelites and sticking their heads on pikes along the border, the phrase “Don’t Mess with Texas” is gonna lose it’s OOMPH pretty quick.
You went to the Ft Worth Zoo and NOT the Stockyards?
Since the world’s population grows every year (and assuming the morality of children does not tend to grow at a faster rate), wouldn’t Santa list record numbers of kids as both “nice” and “naughty” every single year?
Just sayin’