Year in Review

Here’s the Jib Jab year in review:

Wasn’t exactly a great year to start this decade. As a kid, I would have thought in 2010 we’d have bases on Mars, flying cars, and rocket boots, but instead even stopping an oil spill is too big a technological challenge. But we do have the iPad, which is pretty nifty.

I know some people are starting to worry that America’s awesome days are over, that will never be like the 80s again, but we got through the dark days of the 70s and we can do it again. Just we have a few players on the field who should be on the sidelines, but that’s not forever. In the new year, let’s work solely on awesomeness.


  1. Not one of Jib Jab’s best. Have they jumped the snark?

    We can shoot for awesome, but I’ll settle for reasonable in ’11. The deal with awesome is that we’d have to spend almost all of our time punching almost all of our politicians in almost all of their faces. It would be tiring, unless we could convince Aqua Buddha to join us.

    Reasonable means that the Republicans in Congress don’t act like morons. Not acting like morons requires that they take heed of the election and not do moronic things. I’d say that’s reasonable, but I’m picky that way.

  2. I’m with ccoffer. Year 1 started the first decade (year 1 thru 10) Year1 also started the first century and the first millennium. 2011 starts the 201st decade.

    I blame Prince for this common misunderstanding. Back in the 90’s, we should of been partying like it’s 2000.

  3. God, these clowns are still around? I was hoping Jib Jab would die a quick, painless death and never be heard from again. Jib Jab has never made me laugh, it seems so boring and pointless. Lame is as lame goes.

  4. The 80’s were good – but the 50’s were incredible: America at her productive peak, no hippies, ICBM’s, B-52’s, 707’s, hula hoops, cars with fins on them, rock ‘n roll, really great malt shops and drive-ins with girls on roller skates, TV with Milton Berle, Jack Benny, Twilight Zone, Gunsmoke, etc, etc. The 50’s rocked – and I was a kid. *Sigh*

  5. Jimmy,

    You forgot some key details:

    * Hank Snow and Hank Senior were still the bosses.
    * A beatle was just a bug.
    * America still had battleships.
    * NASCAR was still run by rednecks.
    * Robert Strange McNamara, LBJ, and JFK hadn’t yet screwed over the Joint Chiefs and sent us flying into a limited war with no legitimate strategic goals.
    * Clark Gable. Burt Lancaster. In a submarine movie. Man, I wish I could find that movie’s theme song.
    * Flatt and Scruggs!
    * Cars were still boats.
    * The Searchers.
    * My great uncle was a great stock car driver at local dirt tracks.
    * Chesty Puller was still a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps.
    * In the film Suddenly, Hollywood portrayed James Gleason’s aging veteran and former FBI agent character as though the patriotic beliefs about military service he shares with his daughter-in-law should be shown respect and heeded. Imagine that.

  6. Indeed, Marko, we could make a VERY long list about the 50’s. But don’t get me started about Robert McNamara, Lyndon Johnson and Westmorland!! (And it wasn’t just Vietnam.)

    Frank’s right. We have to figure out how to make THIS decade awesome. Frank, of course, being our fearless leader (leerless feeder?), is going to start by making IMAO even more awesome than ever (probably by turning loose his robotic blogging algorithm).

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to make Christmas cookies and fudge! My pilot is coming home and that is awesome enough for me!

  7. Here, Jimmy:

    1 cup shortening
    1 1/2 cups sugar
    2 eggs
    2 3/4 cups flour
    2 tsp. cream of tartar
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1/2 tsp. salt
    3 tbls. sugar
    3 tsp. cinnamon

    “Sift together flour, cream of tartar, soda and salt. Cream shortening, add sugar then eggs then dry ingredients. Chill. Shape into balls size of walnuts, roll in sugar and cinnamon mixture. Place on cookie sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 8 to 10 min. Yield: 4 doz.”

    Recipe courtesy of a lady from the Shermanata Grange and the 1972 Pennsylvania State Grange Cookbook.

    Snickerdoodles are not what I would call Christmas cookies. But that will not stop me.

  8. Not one of Jib Jab’s best, but look at the material they had to mwork with. Still , pretty funny.

    The fifties became the sixties which were ruined by the damned hippies. Remind me to punch one.

  9. Burma, Robert Strange McNamara is one of the few whose full name I use out of a lack of respect.

    The Christian in me is forced to hope that that entire administration repented to God. I doubt I, for one, could ever forgive men who acted with such arrogance, deceit, and outright stupidity.

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