Obama Warned Us

[High Praise! to Anonymiss and American Digest]

“Issues are never simple. One thing I’m proud of is that very rarely will you hear me simplify the issues.”
-Barack Obama, MSNBC interview, Sep 25, 2006

Apparently Obamacare is the Tardis. There’s more inside than outside.

And now we know what’s in it… Nancy

Anyway, nice use of the empty chair.


  1. The weight of these regulations can kill you, both directly and indirectly.
    This Alice in Blunder Land world we are living in has us turning around and clawing to climb back out of the rabbit hole we’ve fallen into.

  2. With a bill this big a politician could tell the American people anything, and if they complain just say, “it’s in the Obama care bill.” Diane Feinstein should claim gun control was in Obama care all the time and thus is now the law of the land and everyone must turn in their guns (or they won’t get medical care) and who could dispute her?

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