It’s Come to This: Ted Nugent Is Now the Smartest Man in America

[High Praise! to Moonbattery]

Here’s the lesson from all this, America: Teach your children to not attack people for no good reason whatsoever. Conduct yourself in a responsible, civil manner, and everything will be just fine. Try to kill someone and that someone just may be exercising his or her Second Amendment rights and you could get shot. It’s called self-defense, and it is the oldest, strongest and most righteous instinct and God-given right known to man.


  1. It is a sad statement of fact that most Americans have become a caricature of what we used to be. We are so removed from the caliber of people our founders were that most Americans can’t even understand the Declaration of Independence much less the Constitution. We have talking heads to tell us what this politician or that celebrity actually meant when they said what ever it is they said. Truly we have met the enemy and he is us.

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