The poor woman is preparing a future insanity plea, in the event that the hoards of “hostage takers”, “arsonists”, “anarchists”, and “racists” come for her before she manages to finish pilfering the remaining wealth of the nation into her off-shore accounts and retires.
She’s terrified that we’ll do to her what she would do to us in a heartbeat the instant she believed that she could get away with it.
Oops, I forgot we’re also “rapists” and “terrorists”.
I’m surprised they haven’t issued warrants for our arrest yet.
Maybe their plan is to just deny us medical care after they cross reference our IRS records, political affiliation, and our internet usage patterns, thus killing us off slowly.0
if pelosi has a brain, i doubt that it is a human one. unless you count what she had for dinner.
The poor woman is preparing a future insanity plea, in the event that the hoards of “hostage takers”, “arsonists”, “anarchists”, and “racists” come for her before she manages to finish pilfering the remaining wealth of the nation into her off-shore accounts and retires.
She’s terrified that we’ll do to her what she would do to us in a heartbeat the instant she believed that she could get away with it.
Well, botulism toxin is a biological weapon.
Regarding side effects of Botox, note the permanent ‘deer-in-the-headlights’ look.
Oops, I forgot we’re also “rapists” and “terrorists”.
I’m surprised they haven’t issued warrants for our arrest yet.
Maybe their plan is to just deny us medical care after they cross reference our IRS records, political affiliation, and our internet usage patterns, thus killing us off slowly.0