Good Question About Syria

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

New Record: John Stewart Goes Nearly 7 Minutes Without Mocking Republicans

He makes up for it in the last 3 minutes, but for a few glorious moments, Obama got everything he deserved.

[CAUTION: It’s John Stewart, so censored swearing abounds]

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #8,689)

The most instructive part for me was when John Kerry “proposes” Syria giving up their chemical weapons. Remember that scene – sear, SEAR it into your memory – and recall it in the coming days when the administration talks about how they were in on Russia’s plan from day one.

Communication Is Very Important

Charles Krauthammer commented on President Obama’s plan to bomb Syria to “send a message”: “Send a text – it’s less expensive”.

Will that work? Has Assad gotten his free Obamaphone yet?

Obama Is Just Like Teddy Roosevelt

[High Praise! to After Math]

Link of the Day: Satire – Obama Consults Obama on Syria Again

[High Praise! to Nuking Politics]

Through The Looking Glass, No. 2

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Wisdom of the Day: Britain Terrorist Exceptional Foreign RoboCop Hysterically Possum


Standard & Poor’s said a $5 billion fraud lawsuit by the US government was retaliation for its 2011 decision to downgrade the country’s debt rating.

I can’t believe that. It just sounds too petty for a guy who won’t even retaliate for a murdered Ambassador.

Obama Warned Us – Enlightened Government

The government can’t solve every problem, but an enlightened government can make sure that people can work hard for their dreams and achieve them.

BARACK OBAMA, Ladies’ Home Journal, Sep. 2008

“The government’s dreams, not the people’s.”

You’ve Been Judged!

Anonymiss of Nuking Politics picked her favorite punchlines to “The NSA Wrongly Added 16,000 Phone Numbers to an Alert List. Other Mistakes…

Click here to see if you made the cut.

If you did, you should probably email Keln about becoming a guest blogger there.

If you didn’t, Anonymiss has got another straight line for you to practice on.

Keep trying. No one likes a quitter.

Straight Line of the Day: For His Birthday on Saturday, Harvey Should Be Given…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

For his birthday on Saturday, Harvey should be given…

Lazy Health Campaigns

So there’s a new campaign from Michelle Obama: Getting people to drink more water.

Really? Is this a problem in the U.S.? People are dying of dehydration because they don’t know they should have a glass of water? It’s almost like the administration got so annoyed by Michelle’s health crusades that they’re just giving her busy work now.

Well, as long as the government is aiming so low as “make sure you drink some water,” here’s some other health campaign ideas if there are more people we need to give some busy work to keep them out of the way (like most of Congress):


* Breathing: Make sure you’re breathing, America! And if you need more energy, try taking a few extra breaths each day.

* Sitting: Are you legs tired? Remember to sit! Use a chair if you can. If no chair is available, there are numerous methods for sitting on the ground that the government an educate you on.

* Sleeping: Doctors recommend you sleep at least once per day. You will be incapacitated while sleeping, so don’t do it while driving or operating heavy machinery.

* Toilets: Remember to relive waste in designated areas and not near your dining table or anywhere else you commonly eat.

* Touching Stoves: Don’t touch hot stoves. If you have your hand on a stove and pain receptors are firing off within your hand, that’s a good indication you need to quickly get it away from that stove.

* Wells: If you see a sign that says, “CAUTION: Well in area,” be careful. Remember the saying: “Be well; don’t fall down a well.”

* Tree Awareness: It can hurt to walk into trees, so make sure you keep aware of your distance from trees at all times. A good method is to use eyesight, but you can also use your ears to detect nearby trees by listening for the sound of wind rustling leaves.

* Badger Face Proximity: Doctors recommend you always keep at least six feet between your face and a badger.

* Hugging Porcupines: While porcupines, like all animals, needs hugs, this should only be done by professionals wearing special porcupine hugging outfits.

* Gorilla Teasing: Gorillas are much like feminists: They’re large, hairy, and have no sense of humor. Scientists recommend you do not tease them out of the confines of a lab such as the one at Maryland’s Gorilla Teasing Institute.

* Eating Pine Cones: Though they’re brown spikiness screams deliciousness, don’t eat pine cones. They’re hard to chew and provide no useful nutrition. But if you do eat one, it’s not really a big deal so don’t worry about it.

* Sexually Molesting Alligators: It’s a bad idea for numerous reasons.

I M Verizon

Based on a true story

Columbus, Georgia
January 3, 2012

Welcome to Verizon! How may I screw, uh, serve you today?

I’m looking to upgrade my phone.

Let’s see how long it’s been… Oh, you’ve reached the 20-month date for an upgrade. So, you can get the discounted price. Was there a particular phone you were looking at? Another Droid, perhaps?

Actually, I was looking at one of these iPhones.

That’s a good phone. And, it’s only $199 on a two-year contract.

So, the contract will run to 2014? And if I want to upgrade again?

In 20 months.

I’ll take it.

April 12, 2013

"Dear Valued Verizon Wireless Customer:

We at Verizon are changing our renewal terms. We don't care that the terms were 20-months when you signed the contract. We're changing the terms on our side before the contract ends. You still have to honor your end, though. Or we'll, like, take you to court, screw up your credit report, and anything else we can think of.

Please understand, Valued, that we're doing this to serve you better. Or something."

Columbus, Georgia
September 13, 2013

Welcome to Verizon! How may I screw, uh, serve you today?

I’m looking to upgrade my phone. I want to pre-order one of the new ones, the iPhone 5c.

Certainly. That’ll be $549. Plus tax.

What about the 20-month upgrade?

Didn’t you get our letter earlier this year? We changed the terms.

So, you mean, I signed the contract when your policy was to upgrade at 20 months, which was earlier this month? And you decided to change your side of the contract, but hold me to mine?

Yes, sir. That’s what the email said.

Tell you what. Keep your damn phone.

Columbus, Georgia
January 3, 2014

Welcome to AT&T. How may I screw, uh, serve you today?

Random Thought: A Really Obscure Joke

Goonies would have a lot of trouble speaking German.

Come on, that tweet would have killed if Twitter or the internet were around in the mid 80s.

Anyone who goes after your gun rights will eventually go after your other rights as well.

That Would Be New

The Washington Post’s new owner, founder Jeff Bezos, said “the number one rule has to be: Don’t be boring.”

Obama’s scandals are interesting. Try reporting on those for a change.