Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary Clinton told a heckler “the future doesn’t include yelling”. What DOES it include?
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary Clinton told a heckler “the future doesn’t include yelling”. What DOES it include?
What difference, at this point, does it make?
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.
george orwell 1984
I have no idea what the future includes, but if cookies aren’t a part of it, then I don’t wanna live through it.
… His & Hers raven-haired interns.
….lot’s of bowing and catering to the whims of the ruling political party..
In a fascist government no one can here you scream.
(or hear you scream)
There will be no need to yell when everyone has their neural implants. You just need to hack the system to be “heard” by everyone.
…you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll kiss another 15 trillion goodbye.
gnashing of teeth and rending of garments.
@6,7: Hear here.
No one will hear you scream here, either, rodney.
Oddly enough, those who do slander the prophet of Islam.
I would be more impressed if she had said, “The future doesn’t include Yellen.”
Repeating the phrase, “I ain’t no ways tired” until someone tells her, “I am sick… and… tired… of YOU!” *kick*
Fish who need bicycles.
Hiding. If you yell, you give away your position.
Abandonment of diplomatic missions and poor translations of “reset,” it would appear.
…Designer pants suits.
It starts with oohing and aahing, then moves to screaming and running…
…government hacks who can predict the future
…whatever the nice, helpful government official says it does.
…cackling and contempt.
Mysterious 10,000% profits. Oh, wait, that’s cattle futures.
Hillary Clinton Told a Heckler “The Future Doesn’t Include Yelling”. What DOES It Include?”
Silence! I kill you!
Silence of the lambs as they are led to slaughter — for Ramadan.
If Americans are not careful, obedience and obeisance to America’s first queen.
Moaning, groaning and crying over ObamaCare.
…a ban on shouting
…a nuclear arms race with the peaceful and friendly nation of Iran
…eating cake and attending violin recitals
…for that particular heckler, the future includes personal attacks, ridicule, discrimination, marginalization, an investigation by the IRS, and accusations of racism and sexism – you know, pretty much what every conservative has to deal with.
…Jaws 19 and Rocky 5000.
Lamp throwing. Lots of lamp throwing, horridly-colored pant suits, and more “-gates” than mere mortals can imagine.
A Star Trekian utopia where there’s no poverty and everybody strives to better himself by wearing polyester body suits.
Ball gags, manacles and whips – whether you like it or not.
…a whole new vocabulary – canklelicious, cankleriffic, canklepalooza, cankletoe, cankleghazi, CankleCare, cankleastrophy(catastrophy), cankleaster(disaster)…
The rise of the Cyborgs. All hail our Cyborg Overlords!
Just for once, sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads.
Opportunities in the embassy reconstruction industry.
@31 – So, every night is Saturday night, then?
…a future where her enemies are “dead to her.” Interesting, how that works.
a very quick reduction in the size of the human population..
COOKIE CRAVING ZOMBIES that hog all the cookies.
Hillary Clinton Told a Heckler “The Future Doesn’t Include Yelling”. What DOES It Include?”
Someone else at the Federal Reserve Chair… since Hillary predicts no Janet.
People signing, whispering, saying, shouting, and bellowing: “Benghazi, Benghazi, you let them die!”
“What does it include?”
A ban on Midol, Dilaudid or Chlorpromazine for the pre or peri-menopausal.
Stelling (great banjoes!)
@36 –
Definitely a winner, there!
The construction and installation of thousands and thousands of “No Yelling Zone” signs.
So no two minutes hate tomorrow?
Hillary Clinton Told a Heckler “The Future Doesn’t Include Yelling”. What DOES It Include?”
If the future doesn’t include yelling, then it won’t include Hillary.
Politicians that come up with stupid responses rather than answer questions.. Just like it is now.
Death Panels
…the one thing Obamacare will cover: Free Lobotomies!
…massive migraines from all the government regulations.
…well, it stands to reason that someone finally convinces her to put a sock in it and a bag on her head.
…a Hillary that covers his/her ears and goes nyaaaaa nyaaaaaaa nyaaaaa I can’t hear you nyaaaaa nyaaaaaa.
…tongues as limp as a liberals dictionary.
…normal-volume conversation against a background of loud music to keep the NSA microphones from hearing
…Alaska getting renamed to “American Siberia”
Lots of groveling following the celebratory Burning of the Constitution.
… ball gags for people who oppose her.
… A live action rendition of “I have no mouth but I must scream.”
.. The Orwellian ‘Department of Speech”, which will be right by the “Department of Peace” and their war games.
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It includes – Hillary, burning in hell, forever; along with Bill and the entire Obama administration. A comforting and smile inducing future. But until then… consider relocation.