Can You Believe Obama Said This About Islam? Repeatedly?

[Montage: Obama Praises Islam] (Viewer #66,469)

This is especially painful to listen to after Paris.

The Upside to Modern Life

A new survey shows that 60% of people have injured themselves while using smartphones.

On the bright side, though, papercuts from newspapers have been almost completely eliminated.

Link of the Day: I Was a Little Surprised to Discover That I Only Knew #1

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

15 Things You Might Not Know About Big Ben

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

In This Case, Dems Love Documents

A group of former aides to President Obama and President Bill Clinton is pushing to make voter registration automatic whenever someone gets a driver’s license.

If only we could get them this excited about making sure illegals fill out paperwork.

This Is Why I Love My Gun

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]