Of course Bernie Sanders isn’t anti-gun. How are you going to make socialism work without lots of guns?
Bernie Sanders’s views and hair can best be explained from him living in a cave for the past 50+ years.
To see collective right in the 2nd Amendment takes advanced legal knowledge. To see an individual right takes basic reading comprehension.
“Look at this desiccated corpse of a grape. Let’s put it in cookies because I hate children.” -inventor of raisins
“Hey, I have a great idea to halt the fifty year trend against gun control: I’ll label people who disagree with me ‘pro-massacre.'”
My advice for gun control people: Introspection. When you’ve been losing the argument for this long, the question is what are you missing.
Scary rights are the most important rights to defend.
So there’s a debate whether socialist Bernie Sanders – who’s one claim to fame is he’s an avowed socialist – is a socialist?
“Freedom allows capitalism and guns and ruins our plans. Destroy freedom!”
“Yes, destroy the freedom!”
-Dem debate preview
“I hate this country!”
“I hate it more!”
“I also hate Canada because it reminds me too much of the U.S.” #DemDebate
“I wish the Soviet Union won.”
“Where is flag? I want burn flag!”
“I am old and confused.” #DemDebate
“Tax all the monies!”
“Eliminate all the babies!”
“I wore an onion on my belt as it was the style at the time.” #DemDebate
“Power! Give me power!”
“Everyone who disagrees with me is a racist.”
“I’m old and computers are scary.” #DemDebate
It’s too easy to get a gun. It’s easier to get a gun than get a book. The only thing easier is getting a Nobel Peace prize.
Socialism is the idea that violent force is an appropriate response to peaceful, voluntary exchange.
It’s time we finally talk about the root cause of conflict in the Middle East: violent video games.
Was it wise to put Bernie Sanders on the same stage as a man who has actually killed Communists?
Jeb Bush: The right hates him. The left hates him. He’s the unity candidate.
“How do I stop all these sword nuts from being so obsessed with bladed weaponry?”
*invents gun*
I’m really optimistic about how long the country after this one is going to last.
All the whores and Democrats will look up to Biden and shout “Save us!” …and he’ll look down and whisper “No.”
“I hope we can finally put this email scandal behind us,” Hillary says behind glass at the federal penitentiary.
Heard this McDonald’s ad acting like they’re rebels for offering breakfast even though we’ve been screaming at them to do this for decades.
“Truth” is a very interesting story of how a random document written about Bush in 1973 became the basis for the default settings in MSWord.
Reading too much into fact that Biden’s son said on deathbed that he had to stop Hillary. That’s what everyone says on their deathbed.
I don’t want to sound racist, but I won’t watch the new Star Wars movie since they made Spock black. He’s supposed to be Asian.
“No flying cars. No moon base. No hoverboards. Because in 2015, 90% of technological advancement will be about phones.”
What if the reason Hitler was so malicious was because of all the time travelers who tried to kill him as a baby?
So the Ben Carson strategy seems to be to speak softly and… I don’t even know what the second part is, but it appears to be working.
Could choice really be between 90s novelty act Trump and “I was married to a president!” Hillary? Maybe politics should be a clown show.
Ben Carson is kind of a weird candidate for president because he’s actually done something useful for society before.
Koko the gorilla who knows sign language is 44 and was born in CA, i.e., she’s eligible to be president. Koko 2016. Kittens for all!
Don’t usually watch random things on Netflix, but description of Kung Fury demanded attention. First 5 min already most awesome thing ever.
The government only ever has two options in regards to the economy:
1. Screw it up
2. Leave it alone
In Dem debate, will they ask tough questions to create wedge with base, like “Name your favorite country.”?
I’d call for Jeb to get out of the 2016 race, but I’ve never been completely certain he was ever in it.
Who are you going to believe on Benghazi: Those damn lying victims’ families or famed honest person Hillary Clinton?
You have to have some sympathy for anyone who feels forced to take and defend the position “Hillary didn’t lie.”
Were I to live a thousand years and devote every moment to satire, I could still not achieve this.
What bothered me most on Supergirl was all the “What? A woman being capable of things? How outlandish and revolutionary!” Almost quaint.
My life goal is to one day be that house that hands out full-size candy bars.
My daughter embarrassed me by not being able to identify Darth Vader but got bonus points for knowing response to “I am your father.”
My wife is watching that movie where the guy and gal can’t stand each other in the beginning but then eventually fall for each other.
We in the middle class were always complaining that our health insurance was too good and too cheap, so it’s great how Obama fixed that.
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