The Illustrated Frank J: The Best Advice on Gun Control


Why Fred Thompson Was Perfect for Radio

[High Praise! to Jim R.]

The voice… the delivery… the passion. He was an underappreciated and gifted actor. He could always make you feel what he wanted you to feel.

[“So God Made a Patriot”, narrated by Fred Thompson] (Viewer #157,126)

This Is Why No One Takes the UN Seriously

The UN is planning to operate a special court which will dispense “climate justice”.

They’ll probably need to open it in Sydney to ensure there’s enough kangaroos.

In a Fight Between Barack Obama and Neville Chamberlain…

[High Praise! to After Math]

Link of the Day: It May Seem Farfetched, But People Used to Actually Be Afraid of Dracula, Too

[High Praise! to Kate Willaert via Neatorama]

What if General Mills expanded their line of monster cereals?

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

50,000-Watt Fortune Cookie

The Chinese government is operating a radio station that is blanketing Washington DC with pro-Beijing propaganda.

I can’t imagine how angry NPR must be at having their thunder stolen like that.

Obama Warned Us – Clean Energy

“We’ve led by example, generating more clean energy and lowering our carbon emissions.” — President Obama


“Which means buckets more money to hand out to Democrat voters as “green grants” and “carbon credits”. Yay, graft!”

Doctor Who fans, you knew I’d mention this…

DoctorBasilOkay, Doctor Who fans, you knew I’d mention this. The accompanying image is where The Doctor told Osgood, “Basil.”

Now, if you’re not a fan of the show, you won’t care. If you’re a fan, but haven’t seen the episode that aired this past weekend, well, *SPOILERS*


If you saw the episode, you saw that The Doctor told Osgood that his first name was “Basil.”

(Oh, and shameless plug for Larynn’s review of the episode over at Doctor Who LaB.)

Now, who among you were actually surprised when The Doctor said his name was Basil? Did you really think he would say “Frank” or “Harvey” or “Sarah” or “Mr. Right” or “Spacemonkey” or “Lactose the Intolerant” or “Keln.” Not that those aren’t good names. They’re perfectly fine names. But, for The Doctor, does any name fit more than Basil? Okay, maybe Spacemonkey. But, really, when you think Doctor Who don’t you really think “Basil?”

Of course you do. And so does Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi and everyone else who works on the show or watches the show.

I’m unsure whether to say “thank you” or “you’re welcome.” Either will do.

Straight Line of the Day: There Are Riots in London. Apparently the Brits Are Upset About…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

There are riots in London. Apparently the Brits are upset about…

Ever Seen Anyone Outplayed This Badly?

Iran’s Supreme Leader has banned future negotiations with the US.

Makes sense. It’s like Vegas – why pull the handle again when you just won the jackpot?