Buster Keaton Was a Genius. Here’s Why…

I can’t think of any modern figure who does physical comedy with this level of creativity and panache. If you can, please drop a name in the comments.

[Buster Keaton – The Art of the Gag] (Viewer #459,997)

Update – Ok, maybe Jackie Chan, but that’s about it.

Or Maybe the Problem Is Racism Because the Ice Cream Is White

In Michigan, a sword-wielding man robbed a Dairy Queen.

Unbelievable. Did NOBODY think to post a sword-free zone sign?

Link of the Day: Putting a Thumb in the Eye of Big Brother

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

Why This Filmmaker Shot a 14-Hour Movie About Paint Drying

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Normally I Don’t Watch 9 Minute Videos, But…

…I found this one to be skillfully edited enough that it kept my interest all the way to the end.

[Lawn Chair 2] (Viewer #876,770)

This film is the making of a lawn chair from milling the lumber to finishing the chair. The story is told with no dialogue through stop motion animation. The concept for the chair is a striped beach towel hanging over a chair. The film opens with this symbolism and then proceeds to tell the story of the wood being cut, planed, shaped and assembled into the lawn chair.

Chalk One Up for the TSA. One.

In an undercover test, the TSA failed to detect 3 out of 4 hidden weapons.

So… was the 4th one carried by a toddler or a wheelchair granny?

I Admit I Lack Skills in This One Vital Area

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]