Oh… THAT Eratosthanes (Thank You, Carl Sagan)

This is one of those things it feels like I should’ve been taught in school, but… liberals in charge…

[Eratosthenes calculation for the size of the earth around 240 BC] (Viewer #1,096)

Where Do I Sign Up for This?

President Obama said that Republican criticism of his foreign policy was a “recruitment tool” for ISIS.

Yes, it says “join now, before the US elects a President who will actually fight us”.

Link of the Day: Dr. Seuss + Economics = Learning Fun!

[High Praise! to Neatorama]

Teaching Economics with Dr. Seuss

The link above explains the concept. What you’re actually wanting to look at is a 4-page pdf file, which you can get by clicking here.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

I Think It’s the Excitement of Seeing HOW They Make It Through the Unforgiving, Impassable Ice

I thought I would get bored quickly, or annoyed at the narration. Instead, I found myself fascinated from start to finish.

[Two months breaking ice (in under five minutes)] (Viewer #718,536)

Part of my connection with this, I think, is that I was stationed on an aircraft carrier, so I know how slow and ponderous large ships are. I can’t imagine how frustrating it was to keep having to back up and change directions over and over to avoid getting stuck.

Also, I’d always thought icebreakers just indifferently plowed straight ahead through mile-thick icebergs. Didn’t know they had a preference for channels of clear water.

How Disturbing Is This Presidential Fantasy?

During an interview with GQ Magazine, President Obama said he “fantasized” about owning an NBA team after he leaves office.

Hopefully by then he’ll be able to tell the difference between pros and JV.

Not an Urban Legend: Jay Leno Actually Said This. Out Loud. In Public.

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

[title reference link]