Archive of entries posted on 14th November 2015
I Remember When Americans Could Win This Just by Breathing
For the third consecutive year, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been named the world’s most powerful person by Forbes magazine.
Obama was considered a close second, much like Blofeld’s cat
Link of the Day: Now I’ll Finally Be Able to Understand the Play-By-Play Guy
[High Praise! to Mental Floss]
10 Football Passing Routes Explained
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Muppets, But Were Afraid to Ask
[Secrets of the Muppets – The Jim Henson Hour] (Viewer #9,407)
Keep in mind, this is from the early 80’s, when even primitive garbage CGI was considered mind-boggling and cutting-edge
My favorite part: around the 23 minute mark, when Jim Henson explains how muppets answer a phone. In all the times I’ve watched The Muppet Show, that jump-edit never stood out to me. It just seemed perfectly natural to push the camera in to focus on the conversation.
At Least It Wasn’t a Pop Tart
In Massachusetts, a high school was put on lockdown after a student waved a stapler around, which some students thought was a gun.
Obviously we need a new law limiting the max capacity of your Swingline to 10 staples.
Promoted Comment: Why Stop There?
In response to a story about a Minneapolis Public School official declaring the district’s schools a “violence-free zone”, walruskkkch [High Praise!], made this comment that dares raise the first question that should’ve been asked:
Ummm, so schools are the only violence free zones in the city? How is that fair to all the other parts? Shouldn’t he just declare Minneapolis a “violence free” city and then dismantle the Police force since they will no longer be necessary? Imagine how much money they can save to spend upon more Diversity Hiring consultants and what not.