Looked in a Mirror Lately?

Taking PC to the dinner table, NPR asked “when is it OK to profit from cooking other cultures’ food?”

Better question: when is it ok to produce a radio show from spending other people’s tax money?


  1. … they asked in English, on radio, both products of Western culture.
    When the Drambouie Islands start to give those up, I’ll start caring about their cuisine. But probably not much.


    P.S.: Liberals suck:
    “You have to embrace international cuisine to prove you’re sophisticated.
    But you have to accept that you’re covered in guilt for it, because you’re white.”

  2. {same goes for music, dress, dance, etc.}

    “When is it OK to profit from cooking other cultures’ food?”
    (A) Whenever commercially possible.
    (B) When you are proprietor of a Bruce Jenner “Chik ‘n’ Fella” franchise.
    (C) When you are proprietor of a Rachel Donezal ” ‘N’ ‘n’ Out” burger joint.

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