The Illustrated Frank J: Eerily Similar


Chocolate from Bean to Bar

[Do You Know Where Chocolate Comes From?] (Viewer #42,482)

I’m put off a bit by the whiff of smug hipsterism that underlies this video, but I was still intrigued by the numerous and well-illustrated factoids it contained.

Best-Case Scenario

A 101-year-old Florida man said the secret to long life is hard work.

So with Obamacare’s 29-hour weeks, we’ll all be dead by next Tuesday.

Obama Has Another Plan

[High Praise! to Les of Nuking Politics]

See more Obama plans here.

Link of the Day: Satire – Pentagon Worried About Strategic Nerd Shortage on Electronic Battlefield

[High Praise! to DuffelBlog]

Pentagon worried about strategic nerd shortage on electronic battlefield

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Didn’t See THAT Coming

A new study shows that the militaries of the 30 countries that provide the most soldiers and police officers to United Nations peacekeeping operations also are among those most susceptible to corruption.

Shocking! I also heard there’s gambling at Rick’s Cafe.

Obama Warned Us – Young Adults

Obamacare: Giving young adults (and their parents) peace of mind since 2010.


“And giving everyone else worse coverage and higher premiums.”

Straight Line of the Day: The Shocking Truth About the Mainstream Media…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The shocking truth about the Mainstream Media…

Don’t Worry: Obama’s Got a Plan

Experts are now predicting that America will soon face a shortage of one million doctors.

Soon to be Obamacare-fixed by letting the IRS give out free band-aids with every audit.