The Illustrated Frank J: It’s Coming


Clinton 3: The Chelsening

In a recent speech, Chelsea Clinton hinted that she might run for a seat on the New York City council.

Meanwhile, her mom’s still has equal chances at both President and Inmate of the Year.

Link of the Day: Stereotypical Dystopian Young Adult Novel Twitter Feed

[High Praise! to Neatorama]

The Stereotypical Dystopian YA Novel

I love this thing. It sounds a lot like something Frank would write.

One of my favorites:

“This is a lot of responsibility, being 16 and being the only one who recognizes the problems with totalitarianism.”

Full Disclosure: Yes, I’m a Hunger Games hater.

Oh, and there’s at least one NSFW tweet in there that I found.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Not Sure if it’s “Acapella Rap” or “Poetry”

Either way, I kinda like this for being upbeat & inspiring:

[#FuelYourHustle – Cruze | Chevrolet] (Viewer #14,576)

You KNOW What’s Next

Starbucks plans to open the biggest store in its history in New York City.

No word on when they’re opening the one across the street.

Want to See Real Foreign Policy from Obama?

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]