In a recent speech, Chelsea Clinton hinted that she might run for a seat on the New York City council.
Meanwhile, her mom’s still has equal chances at both President and Inmate of the Year.
In a recent speech, Chelsea Clinton hinted that she might run for a seat on the New York City council.
Meanwhile, her mom’s still has equal chances at both President and Inmate of the Year.
Can’t have a royal family if you can’t find something for the youggins to do.
A chip off the old C-Block
Clinton 2: Electorate Boogaloo
Clinton III in 3 (D)
Just like her mom: if she doesn’t have a council, one will be appointed for her by the state.
Anthony Weiner’s first elective office was as a member of NY’s city council, too. Do you suppose that Chelsea will soon be texting “interesting” pictures?