The Illustrated Frank J: Super Qualified


Yeah, I’ll Go Ahead & Question the Timing

FBI Director James Comey said he felt no pressure to wrap up the e-mail investigation prior to the Democratic Party National Convention.

So… Hillary’s check cleared?

The Hot Truth

[High Praise! to AfterMath]

Link of the Day: This Is What “Diversity” Used to Mean Before Liberals Got Ahold of the Word

[High Praise! to Sheldon Comics]

The America I Know

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow!

The latest use for quadcopter drones: catching litterers.

As soon as they can mount a weapon on them, I assume jaywalkers are next.

[title reference link]

Obama Warned Us – Obamacare Cuts Deficit

CBO estimates imply that the #ACA will cut the deficit by over $3 trillion in the next two decades.


“And the best part: no one will come back to us two decades from now and bust our chops even if that estimate is light years off. Whoo-hoo! Zero accountability!”

Straight Line of the Day: Sesame Street Is Getting a New Muppet…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Sesame Street is getting a new muppet…

He’s Dreaming of a Solution

President Obama said the issue of global tax avoidance was a “huge problem”.

Yes, it’s terrible. If only there were no place on the planet where people were allowed to keep the money they earn.