The Illustrated Frank J: From & To Each According Etc. Blah Blah Blah


Also, Anyone Remember “Not Any Of Your Taxes”?

The Federal Trade Commission is cracking down on products being touted as “all natural” when the products contain some synthetic ingredients.

That’s nice. Next crackdown, though, I think they should go after government insurance “keep your doctor” scams.

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Gee, Officer Sanders, Sand You!

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

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Link of the Day: How the GOP Handles Delegates at the Convention, Explained Not Very Boringly

[High Praise! to The Weekly Standard]

Conventional Wisdom

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Oh, They’ll Get the Briar Patch for Sure

New evidence suggests that the Saudi government may have played a roll in the 9/11 attacks.

Judging from how he handled Iran, Obama will probably punish the Saudis by giving them money and enriched uranium.

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Obama Warned Us – Think of the Children

#OneDayIWill see a world where every child can go to school and fulfill their boundless potential. #IWD2016


“Except for, you know, the dumb kids.”

Straight Line of the Day: Donald Trump Nicknamed Clinton “Crooked Hillary”. A Catchier Nickname Would Be…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Donald Trump nicknamed Clinton “Crooked Hillary“. A catchier nickname would be…

Random Thoughts: The Punisher, Star Wars, and Gender

I keep accidentally referring to the Daredevil show as “The Punisher.” I assume I’m not the only one.

It’s hard to take seriously anyone as a conservative who wasn’t calling Trump a clown from the very beginning.

The problem with the frontrunners of the two major parties is that everyone hates them and for good reasons.

Before you cite science as an authority, remember that most of science has been disproven.

Trump vs. Hillary: Whoever Wins… We Lose

Leaked plot of Episode VIII is that it will be about Empire combining plans of Death Star and Starkiller Base to make a Death Killer.

“For our superweapon, make sure there’s a vent that leads to it’s unstable core.”
“But there’s nothing from there to vent.”
“Just do it!”

Did someone say the woman we never would have heard of except for who she is married to isn’t qualified?

I’m happy for the female protagonists since right now I’m trying to get my 5-year-old daughter interested in Star Wars.

These females protagonists in movies tell young girls they can do anything as long as they are also attractive.

As far as I can tell from Bernie Sanders’s campaign promises, he thinks socialism is some sort of magic spell where you get things for free.

A psychopath can learn to fit in with normal society, so Trump is probably a sociopath.

If NY votes for Trump, won’t that just prove that NY values are even worse than what Ted Cruz said?

Now that American Idol is over, did someone start a “vote for the worst” for presidential primaries?

The whole point of requiring a majority of delegates is so the party doesn’t get stuck with a candidate the majority doesn’t want.

I find it almost impossible to take criticism of capitalism seriously. It’s like saying “I don’t like technology.” Fine. Live with the Amish.

I can’t wait for the standalone Star Wars movie about how C-3PO got his red arm.

Trump is a horrible human being that I don’t trust on any issue that is important to me, but other than that I guess I could vote for him.

I’m surprised the left is turning on Paul Krugman now. I thought even they recognized him as a partisan hack years ago.

I don’t get the idea if needing experienced judges for the Supreme Court. I’d settle for someone with basic reading comprehension.

I bet SJWs are going to love it when President Hillary means the First Lady is going to constantly manspalin everything to us.

The GOP delegate process is so complicated that it’s very unfair to nitwits who want to be president.

“You’ve gotta ask yourself: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?” -Harry Callahan unsuccessfully selling raffle tickets for his kid’s school

The Punisher in the Daredevil show is way different than from the comics; supernatural pun powers wouldn’t fit in the universe they made.

If you want to close the wage gap, you’ll need to force women to do things like choose higher wages over flexible hours.

If we don’t elect Hillary, who is going to keep Goldman Sachs safe from super predators?

If you point a gun at one guy and demand money, that’s a mugging. If you point a gun at everyone and demand money, that’s taxation.

Didn’t care for watching Star Wars Episode I again, but I did like daughter’s reaction to the bisecting of Darth Maul. “That. Was. Awesome!”

It now really feels like the prequels are missing a scene where Anakin gets the lightsaber that later become’s Luke’s and Rey’s.

It’s said Captain Phasma is first female Star Wars villain, but that’s forgetting assassin from Ep 2 who can change her face to no purpose.

Then again, everything about prequels should be forgotten.

In Ep 7, Empire now very diverse in race and gender, but has it ever been explained why they’re human only?

Hollywood is out of ideas. They keep rebooting the same franchises when they need to find ones that haven’t been rebooted yet.

Bernie does well among younger Dems while Hillary’s strength is with those who have given up all hope and embraced the empty black abyss.

So do they still teach about the XY chromosomes in school or is that now problematic?

In a way, gender is an arbitrary thing. In another way, it’s a fundamental part of evolutionary biology for hundreds of millions of years.

I know about male privilege, but if you look at the actual chromosomes, tiny little Y seems much more oppressed than X.

What Problem?

Despite collecting record revenues in the first half of FY 2016, the federal government is still running a $461 billion deficit.

Great. “The car’s running out of gas. Better drive faster”.