As If They’re Capable of Learning

As punishment for all California’s “sanctuary cities”, President Trump proposed pulling ICE and the Border Patrol out of the state, allowing it to become a “crime nest” and “let California learn“.

The fun part will be watching liberals choosing between either demanding ICE & BP presence or agreeing with Trump.


  1. Brilliant. How would California sanctuary cities be able to complain?

    “You’re, like, shirking your duty to enforce the laws that we are committed to preventing you from enforcing. . . Wait. . . What?”

  2. In response to news reports suggesting that San Francisco is turning into a 3rd world S_hole. local officials are saying it’s Trump’s fault. Note they didn’t deny the basic fact.Clearly had nothing to do with the fact that homeless people there have a ‘civil right’ to camp on the sidewalks.

  3. I think we should just give California back to Mexico…not sell, give. We retain our rights to the military bases but Mexico can have everything else. We wouldn’t really be losing much as half the worlds population of Mexicans already live in California as do all of the worlds population of whining, holeyer then thou know-it-all Hollywood liberals, and a good amount of the worlds supply of criminal street gangs and thug like motorcycle gangs and a ready supply of crazoid leftist politicians all of which the nation could easily do without. In fact good riddance to the whole lot of them. The only problem is of course, are the Mexicans stupid enough to go for this deal. Sadly, it’s doubtful they are.

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