Midnight Special : Bond Madness Week 2

The first four play in matches are done with the results below. We continue with the next 4 play in matches before we start the Sweet 16 and the countdown to the ultimate Bond theme song.


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Who do you prefer?
53 votes · 53 answers

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Who do you prefer?
59 votes · 59 answers

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Who do you prefer?
55 votes · 55 answers

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Who do you prefer?
61 votes · 61 answers

These polls will all close on Tuesday April 7th at 5:00 pm

We kick off with Adele and the theme song for Skyfall going against the old time Bond of From Russia with Love by Matt Munro, any relation to Caroline?


Matt Munro

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Who do you prefer?
46 votes · 46 answers

So we have this oddity. John Barry playing against himself.

John Barry

John Barry

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Who do you prefer?
46 votes · 46 answers

We move on to the Theme from the film Spectre performed by Sam Smith. It is going up against the Man with the Golden Gun’s theme done by Lulu.


Sam Smith

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Who do you prefer?
39 votes · 39 answers

We finish up tonight with Quantum of Solace theme sung by Alicia Keys and Jack White going up against Thunderball by the Mr. Tom Jones.

Tom Jones

Alicia Keys & Jack White

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Who do you prefer?
38 votes · 38 answers

That’s it for this week. Next week the Big Dance gets into gear. Be there.

Oh, there is that 25th Bond movie which is supposed to come out at some point but it hasn’t and since it would make an odd number that theme song didn’t make the dance. But, I was present it here for your pleasure? Enjoyment? Distaste? Whatever. The kids are into this Billie Eilish person so…


IMAO Upping Its Game

Hired bored Russians:

… to tackle new project:

… “Just for practice, you understand.”

As the Democrats said of the 2020 elections.

“No, It’s Not a Penalty; It’s Attacks!” Blusters Chief Justice Roberts

Supreme Court Rejects Efforts to Depose Hillary Clinton Over Email Server
Breitbart | 29 Mar 2021 | Katherine Rodriguez

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday denied efforts to require former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to face a deposition over her unsecured email setup while she served in the Obama administration.

In an unsigned order issued with no comment, the justices denied an appeal from the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, mainly keeping in place a federal appeals court ruling from last August which stated that Clinton could not be forced to sit for a deposition.

Judicial Watch had wanted to depose Clinton, her aide Cheryl Mills, and other State Department employees over Clinton’s use of an unsecured personal email server — even for classified information — in a case seeking public access to State Department emails.

Dems can depose Trump without any questions allowed to be asked.

But we cannot depose Dems with any questions allowed to be asked.

Just to clarify.

Clinton’s emails were subject to multiple investigations, including an FBI investigation which declined to charge her with violating federal record-keeping requirements or other crimes, despite clear evidence of violations.

Clinton’s emails were a major political issue in her failed 2016 bid against former President Donald Trump.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued a statement accusing the court of upholding a “double standard” and undermining faith in public institutions.

“Hillary Clinton ignored the law but received special protection from both the courts and law enforcement,” he said. “For countless Americans, this double standard of justice has destroyed confidence in the fair administration of justice.”

This case is Judicial Watch Inc. v. Clinton, No. 20-1051 in the Supreme Court of the United States.

Or, was.

Is She Still in Office? What’s Wrong With This Country?

Elizabeth Warren Clashed With Amazon Over Unionization and Said She’d Break Up Big Tech So That It Can’t “Heckle Senators With Snotty Tweets
Business Insider | 3/26/2021 | Grace Dean

“I didn’t write the loopholes you exploit, @amazon – your armies of lawyers and lobbyists did. But you bet I’ll fight to make you pay your fair share. And fight your union-busting. And fight to break up Big Tech so you’re not powerful enough to heckle senators with snotty tweets.”

First of all … what amendment does she thinks comes very first in the Constitution that she swore an oath to defend?

Second of all … How old is she? Twelve?

Third of all .. she’s admitting that special-interests’ lawyers and lobbyists — not senators — write laws that she votes for.

Fourth of all, this is racist, and she’s advocating a return to Jim Crow laws.

Straight Line of the Day: Strategic Command Has Sent You a Message! It Means…

Straight Line of the Day: Strategic Command has sent you a message! It means…

Unusual Tweet by Strategic Command Spurs Comedic Comments
Stars and Stripes | March 28, 2021 | Seth Robsom

Did a military mascot gain control of the U.S. Strategic Command Twitter account or has someone inadvertently released the launch code for a nuclear weapon?

These were among the questions asked by commenters after the command, at 8:48 a.m. Monday, tweeted the sequence


The unusual message had received more than 12,000 likes, 9,000 retweets and hundreds of comments less than an hour after it was posted.

“Apologizes for any confusion. Please disregard this post,” the command, at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., tweeted in vain after the original message.


Welcome to IMAO! Well, You’ve Either Swallowed Some Jawbreakers or Large SweetTart Candies, Or the Mob Put Out a Hit on You

Dammit, I’m not a doctor!

Surprise, Surprise!

Frankly, I’m shocked:

Joe Biden Will Not Throw Out First Pitch on Opening Day
Breitbart | 03/30/2021 | Dylan Gwinn

Joe Biden will not be throwing out the Opening Day first pitch when the Washington Nationals face the New York Mets, the Washington Post reports.

Possible reason: MLB couldn’t get the rights to the saxophone music going “Wah wah wah WAh-h-h-h-h.”

Tuesday Night Open Thread: Well, Maybe James Bond Had It Correct

Sleeping Octopuses [Octupi?] May Have Dreams, But They’re Probably Brief
NPR | March 25, 2021| Nell Greenfieldboyce [sic]

Octopuses have alternating periods of “quiet” and “active” sleep that make their rest similar to that of mammals, despite being separated by more than 500 million years of evolution.

. . . and a few feet of sand.

During their active periods of sleep, octopuses’ skin color changes and their bodies twitch, according to a report in the journal iScience, and they might even have short dreams.

So did we, before Biden-Harris.

“If they are dreaming, they are dreaming for up to a minute,” says Sidarta Ribeiro, a neuroscientist at the Brain Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil.

“And if they are not dreaming,” he added, “well, who knows how long that could last?”

It’s been clear for awhile that octopuses can change color as they sleep; videos of this have even gone viral. And previously, other groups had suggested that cuttlefish have an active sleep state similar to the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep seen in birds, mammals and some reptiles.

“Groups” being a pretty loose term for guys at bars.

But those researchers did not check to see if the creatures in that state would respond to something like prey, says Ribeiro, which left open the possibility that the animals were actually in a state of quiet alertness.

or not on the menu that night.

Ribeiro and some colleagues decided to video-record four adult octopuses in the lab to monitor their sleep. And to make sure the animals were genuinely sleeping, the researchers checked to see if they would respond to a video of a swimming crab, a favorite food item, or to a vibration made by a hammer tapping on the tank.

Um . . . careful with that hammer, OK?

The octopuses remained indifferent and difficult to arouse while sleeping, instead of reacting as they normally would when awake. The scientists found that the octopuses had periods of quiet sleep, when they were pale and still, followed by short bursts of active sleep. This cycle repeated every 30 to 40 minutes.

The active sleep periods were brief but obvious; the octopuses’ skin darkened and their bodies and suckers contracted.”For around 40 seconds, they dramatically change their color and their skin texture. Their eyes are also moving,” says Sylvia Medeiros, a graduate student at the Brain Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. “All of this happens very conspicuously.”

Yep. I imagine I’d be described much the same way if an alien creature was tapping on my life-support system with a hammer.

Their dreams, if they have them, can’t be terribly complex or symbolic, given how short these active phases are, says Medeiros. Octopuses are known to be problem solvers, however, so maybe dreams help their impressive, unusual brains consolidate memories and improve on tasks.

Ship ’em to Washington, D.C.!

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.


“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through The Looking Glass” Were Not Briefing Memos, Either

Governor LePedophile will start wildly signing more spending bills:

Biden To Announce Up To $4 Trillion Infrastructure Plan With Massive Tax Hikes
New York Post | March 30, 2021 | Emily Jacobs

President Biden will outline his massive $3 to 4 trillion infrastructure plan Wednesday, which will create four tax increases worth around $1.8 trillion, the White House revealed.

The commander-in-chief’s “Build Back Better” proposal, a centerpiece of his post-COVID campaign message, will be split into two packages for Congress to pass.

The first, the White House said, will focus on infrastructure investments specifically.

The second will focus on funding domestic policy areas of Democratic concern, such as providing universal pre-kindergarten and tuition-free community college, as well as health care.

“The time has come,” the Belarus-led said,

“To talk of many things . . . “

Buzzword of the Day …

… and a buzz-phrase.

IMAO: scouring the internet clean, for terms you’ll hear in the future.

Coronavirus: ‘Double mutant’ Covid variant found in India
BBC News | 03/25/2021

A new “double mutant” variant of the coronavirus has been detected from samples collected in India.

Officials are checking if the variant, where two mutations come together in the same virus, may be more infectious or less affected by vaccines.

Some 10,787 samples from 18 Indian states also showed up 771 cases of known variants – 736 of the UK, 34 of the South African and one Brazilian.

Officials say the variants are not linked to a spike in cases in India.
India reported 47,262 cases and 275 deaths on Wednesday – the sharpest daily rise this year.

The Indian SARS-CoV-2 Consortium on Genomics (INSACOG), a group of 10 national laboratories under India’s health ministry, carried out genomic sequencing on the latest samples. Genomic sequencing is a testing process to map the entire genetic code of an organism – in this case, the virus.

The genetic code of the virus works like its instruction manual. Mutations in viruses are common but most of them are insignificant and do not cause any change in its ability to transmit or cause serious infection. But some mutations, like the ones in the UK or South Africa variant lineages, can make the virus more infectious and in some cases even deadlier.

Get ready to hear “double-mutant” when the government wants you to double-mask.

Reddit Faces Massive User Protest for Banning Criticism of Controversial Employee
The Washington Free Beacon | March 24, 2021 | Santi Ruiz

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman announced that Aimee Challenor is no longer employed by the company, saying “we over-indexed on protection” …

Get ready to hear “we over-indexed on protection” when the government doesn’t know how to explain wanting you to double-mask.

Icebreaker, Russian Style: What Icebreaker Would You Suggest?

Harvey used to float icebreakers back in the halcyon days, so here’s one with a modern twist to that ol’ container ship:

The Situation: You get entangled in a Russian honey-trap: a Russki of the opposite sex plies you with gifts and offers you Biden money to help establish a new shipping route through the Arctic.

Straight Line of the Day: What icebreaker would you suggest?

Russia Floats Arctic Shipping Route as ‘Viable’ Suez Canal Alternative
The Moscow Times | 25 Mar 2021

Russia has proposed its strategic Arctic shipping route as an alternative to the Suez Canal after a 400-meter cargo ship got stuck in the canal, blocking one of the world’s key shipping routes and sparking fears of a rise in oil prices.

“If you get icebound, we have icebreakers, well to break the ice,” Rosatom added, attaching an article on Rosatom icebreakers rescuing a cargo ship trapped in the ice in late December and early January.

While sailing the Northern Sea Route cuts about 40% of the distance between China and European ports compared with taking the Suez Canal, traffic along the Arctic route is not yet competitive with the Suez Canal or even sailing around Africa, The Barents Observer wrote Thursday.

If the Barents were good observers, you wouldn’t have had it quite so well laid out.

Welcome to IMAO! Another Gloomy, Dark, and Right-Threatening Day in Democrat America

Caption This!

“I can’t wait to see what gets captioned this week! Teehee!”

Err, yes. Let the entertainment begin.

That Mask-Wearing Climate-Change Rover on Mars? Here’s Frank’s Latest Grouping Around It.

Pretty good from this distance, but still….

Babesleaga Week 6 : Brigitte Nielsen vs Joan Severance

Our broadcast day concludes.

Brigitte Nielsen (0-5-0 Pts. 185) vs Joan Severance (5-0-0 Pts. 595)

Brigitte Nielsen
Joan Severance

Poll closes on Sunday April 4th at 9:00 am.

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Who do you prefer?
175 votes · 175 answers