Straight Line of the Day: Ever Run Across an Inanimate Object Demonically Possessed?

How Demons Can Affect Objects
Catholic Answes | Tom Nash

Can objects be possessed by demons? … Is there biblical evidence for this?

Only people can be demonically possessed. But inanimate objects can be negatively controlled through curses. As Adam Blai, a lay Catholic expert on religious demonology and exorcism, writes:

A curse is simply a demon sent to do some harm. . . . Cursed objects are objects that have had the opposite of a blessing done to them. Instead of grace being attached to an object to make it holy, a demon has been attached to the object to make it associated with evil (Hauntings, Possessions and Exorcisms, p. 45).

I once had a burrito that, well, lemme tell you . . .


  1. A few weeks back, I was in the sacristy, preparing to begin the 10 o’clock service. When the bell rang, I went to light the acolyte’s candlelighter, and the lighter flame died before the wick could catch. Tried another lighter – no dice. Grabbed the emergency matches – the first one snapped in two, and the next five would not light. Finally, the sound guy got one from the second box to ignite, and off we went… and then the organ wouldn’t play… You tell me what was going on there…

    • Had an ’87 Wrangler with the V-6, pre Pentastar, but just as evil. Damn thing would randomly shut the engine off while driving. Literally just cruising down the road all-good, then coasting. Would sometimes restart after a couple seconds, sometimes after a good 20-30 minutes and 3 good samaritans stopping to ask if you need a jump (which was tried a few times but made no difference). Had several experienced mechanics look at it, never could find the problem.

  2. How do we rate Murphy’s Law, then?

    The one that gets me the most I call ‘Murphy’s Law of Wires.’ You install them carefully. They’re all straight and untangled, neat and tidy. Come back in three months. WTF?!!! Who/what did this???

  3. Every single government issued computer I have ever used. Maybe not possesed by demons, maybe just by Russians or Chinese or crap from the lowest bidder supported by inept IT people also from the lowest bidder. Either way, after some days, whether the computer was actually posessed by demons or not, you’d think I was by the look of pure hatred and loathing and violence in my eyes.

  4. “I once had a burrito that, well, lemme tell you . . .”

    Was it a dicey breakfast burrito and did you then take an Imodium? (TV reference for the culturally uninformed.)

    (BTW, don’t take Imodiums. They are linked to esophageal cancer.)

  5. I once had an object disappear from the passenger seat of my car when I went around a corner. It was like I turned into an alternate Universe.

    (No, it wasn’t my ex-wife flying out the door. But hey. Lemme think on this for future applications.)

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