Links of the Day

There is another Carnival of the Vanities, but I didn’t get a post in because no one reminded me over the weekend. Thus I’m going to be spiteful and not link to it.
Alice Bachini names me as one of her favorite blogs (and I certainly can’t disagree with the other three she lists), calling me the “Funny guy of the Blogosphere”. This means she is very smart and sexy and that everyone should visit her site. Yes, if you lavish me with praise, it makes it more likely for me to link to you. So sue me.
A nice little story about NASCAR fans, Fox, e-mail spamming, and jail.
I saw a number of people today linking to this radio host from St. Petersburg, Russia, so I thought I’d be one of the crowd and do so too. A rant of his is right now on John Hawkins’s site.
Speaking of John Hawkins, he once again goes out of his way to make the rest of us bloggers look bad by doing some actual journalism and getting an interview with David Horowitz. Stupid John Hawkins.
Then again, how can he prove he actually talked to David Horowitz? Hmm, that gives me an idea…
Wow, that makes four posts in one day. That’s like a record for me.


  1. So I came over from LGF to check out your site because I don’t want to accused of participating in crimes against humanity. It’s been well worth it! You’re a very funny guy 🙂

  2. Frank, you are wonderful fabulous gorgeous sexy clever and probably incredibly handsome in a 70’s Clint-Eastwoodish kind of way, and thank you for linking to me. I love you and would ask you to marry me if I wasn’t a commitment-phobe. Still, it’s the thought that counts.

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