Quick! Everyone link to me. I fell back to being a monkey on the blogging ecosystem, and I don’t want to be a monkey. Liked my In My World™ today? Thought it was funny when I went crazy angry at lunchtime? Then link to me, quick!
LittleA missed the deadline for the Group E poll, but here is the aardvark’s answers anyway.
The Carnival of the Vanities is up, and full of bloggery!
Michael Williams has gone into my head and put up an image of my worst nightmare.
It seems Tiger stills thinks he might get a link based on merit. That’s crazy; no one gives out permalinks because of merit anymore. It’s all based on wacky contests now.
Courtney wants to change our libraries. Some reason that idea scares me even though I haven’t been to one in years.
Also, I have chosen Mike the Marine’s ending to Monday’s In My World™ since he nagged me the most about picking the winner. Go read that In My World™ now in it’s its entirity.
I don’t always have a lot of time each day to peruse the blogosphere, so don’t be afraid to send me a link to one of your posts if you think it’s especially worthy. Just don’t bug me too often (try to keep e-mails to once a week) or get too upset if I don’t use it.
Now you see what happens when you make Susie cry.
You crazy monkey you.
Your nightmares may come true if the French manage to lure Bush to Franceland and secretly “replace” him…
Even then, his replacement would STILL be able to make monkeys out of the DNC and their legions of presidential-wannabes.
“‘Ha! Allah be praised! I destroy your imperialist tank!’
‘What!’ Bush yelled, ‘I can’t move.’ He then looked at the console. ‘You unplugged my controller, you backstabbing Saudi! This means war!'”
Your In My World ‘s had been lacking in the past at points, but that little piece of conversation makes up for it entirely.
Don’t worry about grammar, either.
Anybody that is actually able to read your posts point for point has no sense of humor if they don’t haven’t burst out laughing at your visions or at the antics of the Dems.
I’ve lost my place many times before.
It happens to the best of us.
Look into my eyes … you are getting very sleepy … your eyes are very heavy … you cannot keep them open … you are asleep … now link me, that’s right, go to your blogroll and link me, it is OK … all right, now, when I count to three, you will wake up and have no memory of these events …
Democrats vs. Democrats — How Amusing!
Democrats lately have sunken to the lowest depths of bleekness that they are beginning to argue amongst themselves, which to me is quite amusing indeed. Some are politicians because they want to win office and govern the people of the…
“It seems Tiger stills thinks he might get a link based on merit. That’s crazy; no one gives out permalinks because of merit anymore. It’s all based on wacky contests now.”
You ever see that ?
(Not a family-friendly link)
Dammit. Sorry. HTML seizure.
I meant to say, ever see that Mr. Show episode?
Well you were only narrowly beaten out by slashdot.
A site known for its vast hoards of link visitors.
I’ll link to you if you link to me! I don’t wanna be a flappy fish!!
Tigers eat monkeys, Frank! Tread lightly though the jungle and don’t fall from that tree! 😉
This may be the high point of my life…..
wait… should I be happy about that?
Helping Frank
Frank became a monkey. He doesn’t like monkeys, unless they’re ninja monkeys, I think. Anyway, he’s a great humor writer who doesn’t deserve to be…
Damn you, Mike the Marine! My ending was mildly superior to yours! Your lucky your a marine, or i would…uh…your just lucky is all!
Frank, I hate to say something bad since I love your site, but if you’re slipping in the Ecosystem lately it’s because of the permalink contest. Not only is it a snooze, it makes you look like you’re full of yourself (and not in a good way either).
Frank is full of himself?…I thought it was all satirical…oh, crap!
What’s The Blogosphere Saying About Michael Williams?
“Thanks to reader Michael Williams for alerting me to this.” — Eugene Volokh “I believe you mean Morocco, not Monaco.” — Steven Den Beste “Glenn Reynolds, link to this man now!” — Donald Sensing ” — ” — Glenn Reynolds…
What’s The Blogosphere Saying About Michael Williams?
“Thanks to reader Michael Williams for alerting me to this.” — Eugene Volokh “I believe you mean Morocco, not Monaco.” — Steven Den Beste “Glenn Reynolds, link to this man now!” — Donald Sensing ” — ” — Glenn Reynolds…
What’s The Blogosphere Saying About Michael Williams?
“Thanks to reader Michael Williams for alerting me to this.” — Eugene Volokh “I believe you mean Morocco, not Monaco.” — Steven Den Beste “Glenn Reynolds, link to this man now!” — Donald Sensing “[silence]” — Glenn Reynolds “Michael Williams,…
What’s The Blogosphere Saying About Michael Williams?
“Thanks to reader Michael Williams for alerting me to this.” — Eugene Volokh “I believe you mean Morocco, not Monaco.” — Steven Den Beste “Glenn Reynolds, link to this man now!” — Donald Sensing “[silence]” — Glenn Reynolds “Michael Williams,…