Frank Like Money

What’s the biggest complaint I keep getting about my site? Not enough ads.
Okay, no one has ever said that, but I’m going to experiment with putting some ads on my site. I wanted to make an link that was items I like, but it was hard to make it look nice; I’ll play around with that later. Anyway, did you know that they are finally putting Indiana Jones onto DVD? Well, buy it through clicking on my link and I get money. Hooray!
To be clear on things, any money donated to me goes towards the website. I have over $400 from donations, so I’m well set for covering regular expenses of the website and have extra money for some other site improvements if I ever think of anything (I may do flash animations in the future). Suggestions on what site improvements I could spend that money on would be appreciated.
Money I get from t-shirt sales or ads goes towards my personal finances to fund future, evil ventures. Muh ha ha ha.