Links of the Day

I had been a little afraid of Buck being offensive to some military men and women when I first made him up, but I hadn’t had any complaints until his most recent essay, one being in its comments section and the other to John Hawkins who had the post on his site in its entirety. Though I love humor, I don’t mean to offend anyone (except for hippies and Commies), so, if you think I stepped over the line, don’t be afraid to e-mail me.
If you want a puppy-blending joke at Glenn Reynolds’s expense, Emperor Misha I has it.
Mean Mr. Mustard is leaving us (no, that doesn’t mean there is one more space on the blogroll).
Eric Scheie reminises about 1913. I didn’t think he was that old.
Greg of Begging to Differ fisks Dean. I sure hope Dean gets nominated; that’ll be fun!

I don’t always have a lot of time each day to peruse the blogosphere, so don’t be afraid to send me a link to one of your posts if you think it’s especially worthy. Just don’t bug me too often (try to keep e-mails to once a week) or get too upset if I don’t use it.

Super Lucky Happy Fun Permalink Contest Number One Starts Now!

Man, this is a lot of work for one permalink, and I’m just talking about my side to organize this. I decided to sweeten the pot a little, in that the winner will not only get added permanently to my regular blogroll, but get a spot at the top also right under Rachel Lucas and above Liberal Assclown. Plus, the winner can fives times send me a post and it automatically goes to the top of that day’s Links of the Day™.
Anyway, using random numbers from, here are the six groups (three of seven and three of six):
Group A:
Proveritate: A Principled Review of Current Events
This Side
Advanced Combo Tricks
Note-It Posts
Ramblings of SilverBlue
Adventures in Troubleshooting
Group B:
Ordinary Galoot
Tiger Raggin’ & Rantin’
The Wise Man Says
The Stormin’ Mormon
Serenity’s Journal
Experimenting with Mental Exhibitionism
Wince and Nod
Group C:
Blog of Xanadu
Mamamontezz’s Mental Rumpus Room
Modular Parrot
Bloviating Inanities
Group D:
Practical Penumbra
The Voodoo Lounge
Little Miss Attila
Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with Norbizness
Over the Edge
Group E:
Who Tends the Fires
Think About It
A Little Aardvark Never Hurt Anyone
A Lone Paladin in Good Company
Ambient Irony
Beth’s Contradictory Brain
Group F:
Blather Review
Jennifer’s History and Stuff
Right of Center
Bad Money
One Little Victory
And here is the schedule:
NOW Group A Gets question
7/17 Thursday night Group A answers are due
7/18 Friday morning poll is posted of Group A answers
7/21 Monday morning poll closes and Group B get questions
7/22 Tuesday morning Group B answers are due
7/22 Tuesday night poll is posted of Group B answers and Group C gets questions
7/23 Wednesday night poll closes and Group C answers are due
7/24 Thursday morning poll is posted of Group C answers and Group D gets questions
7/25 Friday morning poll closes and Group D answers are due
7/28 Monday morning poll is posted of Group D answers and Group E gets questions
7/29 Tuesday morning poll closes and Group E questions are due
7/29 Tuesday night poll is posted of Group E answers and Group F gets questions
7/30 Wednesday night Group F answers are due
7/31 Thursday morning poll is posted of Group F answers
8/1 Friday morning poll closes
8/4 Monday morning finalists gets questions
8/5 Tuesday morning finalists answers are due
8/5 Tuesday night poll is posted of final answers
8/6 Wednesday night poll closes
8/7 Thursday morning, winner is announced!
Winners are announced an undetermined time after each poll closes, and poll results will be hidden while the poll is running.
Anyway, here are the questions for Group A. They are to be e-mailed to me, and no one can reveal what his or her answers is to the short answer question as the voting is to be blind to who wrote it. If anyone reveals on their site or elsewhere which entry they wrote, they will be disqualified.
What is the name of your site?
What is your preferred name as a blogger?
How long have you been blogging?
Give a brief description of your site.
Briefly praise Frank J. and IMAO. Name favorite post.
What’s your favorite movie?
Which Simpsons character do you most identify with?
SHORT ANSWER QUESTION: In 200 words or less, describe a situation or crisis in which Aquaman would be a great superhero.
Answers are due 24 hours from this posting. Godspeed.

Not a Liberal Assclown

Just wanted to say I’m not a liberal assclown (heh heh).
Also, didn’t have enough time to do Frank Answers™ today, but I will have that update tonight about the Permalink Contest as promised.

Permalink Contest Update

I will have split all the contestant up into groups and will have the list of groups plus the first group’s question posted tonight. They will then have 24 hours to respond, and then the vote will be up the next morning.
Also, I recommend everyone check out the list of blogs to see the different ways everyone handled their link for my most scientific experiment. Thanks for everyone who is participating, and I remind you it has to stay up for a week or so for Google to catch it.

In My World: That’ll Teach Mr. Squawkers to Think He’s ‘All That’

“You don’t have a better picture of him?” Condoleezza Rice asked as she looked at the photo of Chomps’s open maw.
“Cameras make him intensely angry,” Rumsfeld answered, “Anyway, this is the view most people get of him.” Rumsfeld hung up another poster reading, “LOST DOG: Responds to the name Chomps – or any other name – with extreme anger.”
“I’m sure you’ll find him,” Rice told him.
“I’m just worried he’s all alone in the middle of nowhere with nothing to take his anger out upon.”
“He always finds something to take his anger out on,” Rice assured him.
“Well, better get back to work,” Rumsfeld sighed.

“I lost my dog and am extra angry today, so don’t piss me off,” Rumsfeld warned.
“I have a question…”
“Rarr!” Rumsfeld yelled, jumping onto the reporter and pummeling him, “I don’t like the tone of your voice.”
“Uh, how do you respond to people who describe the current situation in Iraq has a ‘quagmire’?” asked another reporter.
“With murderous rage!” Rumsfeld shouted, charging that reporter.
“Someone distract him with another question!” the reporter pleaded.
“What are your plans for those currently attacking U.S. troops?”
Rumsfeld stopped to think about the question. “We will paint murals on the walls in Iraq depicting a glorious future free of tyranny. And the paint we will use will be… THE BLOOD OF OUR ENEMIES! Rarr!”
“What about North Korea and their nuclear weapons?”
“They will die for their insolence!” Rumsfeld declared, “I will have the poofy-haired head of Kim Jong Il on a pike!”
“I thought Bush’s wanted a diplomatic solution?”
“Bush is a pansy! I will beat him with Kim Jong Il’s head! Rarr!”
Rumsfeld was getting so worked up he looked about ready to kill all the reporters in attendance, but then a familiar face was seen coming through the doorway.
“Chomps!” Rumsfeld exclaimed, and rushed over to Chomps to give him a hug. Chomps then licked Rumsfeld on the face.
“Aww, isn’t that nice,” said a reporter, as he got a cameraman to move closer to the scene.
Chomps saw the camera, and it made him angry. Very angry.

President Bush relaxed on a couch watching a nature show. “The penguin, while quite awkward on land, swims gracefully in the water,” the narrator said.
“Ha, stupid penguins,” Bush laughed, “If they can’t even fly, why do they bother being birds. They might as well be fish.”
“Don’t you have work to do,” Laura called out to him, “Like some bills to sign, or to take out the trash?”
“No one is ever so busy they don’t have enough time to watch a documentary on penguins,” Bush answered.
“Down in Antarctica, there are very few predators on land,” the narrator continued, “but now approaches a very angry looking dog who seems intent on ripping all the penguins to pieces. Actually, no, it appears there is just one penguin he doesn’t like. And the dog has got him and is shaking the penguin vigorously. The penguin being injured, dazed, and confused, the dog seems satisfied that it has paid for its crimes and begins to leave. No, wait, he’s stopped to attack a snowdrift. And now he leaves.”
“Wow, nature is beautiful,” Bush exclaimed, “I didn’t like that penguin either. In fact… ack… ech… erk…”
Laura rushed behind Bush to give him the Heimlich maneuver. “For pete’s sake, I told you not to buy pretzels anymore.”