Caption Contest Winner and Other Announcements

I thought the entries for the caption contest were a little weak this go around. I guess cats at gunpoint or holding guns bring out the creative juices better. I liked my own entry pretty well; I can’t believe no one else thought of the South Park episode where Cartman introduced the concept of “RoShamBo”. Still, simplicity won the day, the one that produced the biggest chuckle being an old one from the schoolyard:
Welcome to Bangkok
Congratulation to Neo. I don’t have any prize idea for him, but everyone congratulate him the comments section.
I’ve gotten a lot of e-mails about the military, and they’re mainly jokes bashing different branches. That’s cool, though, and I think I might want to do a regular feature of it as I love learning more about military culture and I’m sure a lot of others do. I’ll put up more tomorrow, and keep e-mailing me more jokes or your descriptions of a military branch (and make the subject “Military” to help me organize). And, I haven’t gotten to many jokes at the expense of the Marines so far (and I know there is a ton). Remember, even though a military joke may have been old back when George Washington said it, it’s probably new to us civilians.
Finally, I’ll have an update over the weekend on the IMAO T-Shirt Babe Contest. I’m leaning back towards not needing an IMAO t-shirt to qualify (but wear something; this is a family site).

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  1. Oh…BANG-cock…now I understand. I was low on my caffine fix and the synapsis just weren’t firing. I was going to post Groin-cock. No wait, how about Ran-groin..or wait…arrrrgh…dang.
    Go Neo..the jokemister. Good job.

  2. I though the contest was about to dress up the Canadian girl with a T-shirt designed by BerkeleyGirl that would made her win the T-shirt and the trip to Florida. You are trying to trick, because first you talk about the new design of your new T-shirt, and then you say it’s only about babes, which ever the T-shirt is, IMAO or not.
    Are you trying to escape from your promise to pay her trip to BerkeleyGirl in case she wins, because she already won to be your babe. You said it, and I am the witness. You even said that you would send her a T-shirt for free.

  3. Does this mean I can’t kill Yoda? hubba hubba, screw that, I’m a gonna kill’em.
    Oh, right, congratulations and all that nonsense to Neo. But, I liked Morpheus better, he had the neat-o sunglasses.

  4. Hi – I work at a naval air station where I get to stress out Marines (yes, that’s my job). I have some great sources of jokes, but all I can get you now are two about fighter pilots:
    What’s the difference between God and a fighter pilot?
    God doesn’t think he’s a fighter pilot.
    What’s the difference between a jet engine and a fighter pilot?
    The engine stops whining when you shut it down.
    I’ll talk to the Navy corpsmen and get ya some good Marine jokes soon.

  5. Curtis the Former Marine, if you write 100 things about you, you can get your pictures with Chomps in the Blue Smarties galerie, which is a lot more fashionable than Frank’s IMAO’s galery.
    … I want to demonstrate that (former) marines can be smarter than Frank !
    Well, at least troops are smarter than Frank.

  6. With all due respect to Curtis, the phrase “former Marine” has rightfully fallen out of favor. A Marine is a Marine is a Marine, etc.
    We are just strange that way… it is very much like a virus that gets in one’s blood and refuses to leave (not that we’d want it to).
    A very nice quote that I saw once sums it up (I know not to whom it should be attributed, but I’m pretty sure he was a Marine).

  7. I always thought the phrase was: Once a Marine, always a Marine.
    I believe it first came out in a bar where two soldiers were arguing.
    Googling your comment, I found:
    looks like some random dude in Texas.
    I like the kitten photos, didn’t realize they were up there, I’ll send the kitten at gunpoint one to a cat lover (she’ll freak, hehehe).
    You can always go to for information on the military. Search the forums for jokes, but there news articles are really good (as in, much more accurate than Communist News Network).

  8. Changing Underwear
    The men of Charlie Company had been in the field for two weeks when the Sarge announces, I’ve got good news and bad news. First the good news. Today we’re going to change our underwear. The troops start cheering wildly. Now the bad news, continues the Sarge. Smith, you change with Jones. Andrews, you change with Murphy . . .

  9. Curtis,
    I’ve also heard “formerly active Marine” but referring to active duty status, but I didn’t like it cause I’m still pretty active even if I don’t wear the uniform anymore.
    Semper Fi!

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