Frick’n Retards

Just let if be known that the two coworkers who came with me to Vegas are frick’n retards. One seems determined to hit every curb in Vegas with the rented F150 and the other couldn’t navigate his way out of his own hotel room.
Frick’n retards.
That is all.
UPDATE: Now that I’ve had a night’s rest, I want to clear things up. My coworkers are all right guys… just frick’n retards.

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  1. So did you get the goddamn In and Out burger or not? Your coworkers have always been frick’n retards. That is not the root of what is bothering you. It’s the DNC. I think everyone in thier right mind has listened to so much crap over the past four days that our brains are on overload. Take a deep breath, know that it is over and you can go back to being mildly amused at your coworkers stupidity and your own superiority.
    Or you could just show them a few friends from your gun collection.

  2. You might be going a bit harsh on your driving co-worker…we all know that Fords are less-than-quality-vehicles. But the one that couldn’t get out of his hotel room sounds like a retard.

  3. Ha! That’s nothing. A friend and I once got so turned around in a parking garage we couldn’t find the exit (actually, we couldn’t even find the “down” ramp). And just a couple weeks ago we (yep, me and the same friend) got lost in the five square blocks of downtown St. Pete … an area we’ve both more or less lived in for years.
    So now who’s the frickin retard? Oh, wait …

  4. Hmmmm…I wonder if they’ve registered to vote…and if so, what party? Anyone want to make a guess?
    Which makes me think of something else. Since the liberal’s believe that Iraq was a “War for Oil” what should we consider Clinton’s bombing of an asprin factory just before his impeachment? Perhaps “War for Oral” would do?

  5. Now, are they actually retarded or are they just drunk? There’s a small difference.
    Of course, either way, you should take a cab to where you need to go. As long as the cabie is for real and you don’t get taken to the desert and raped, you should be better off.

  6. Frank, pardon me for not being very sympathetic…it really must be quite exhausting to deal with retarded coworkers while you’re out in VEGAS!!!
    Now, be a good little boy and pull those nails out of your hands and climb down off of that cross…
    …..”Peter, I can see your house from here…”

  7. Frank, Retarted coworkers come as standard issue for the smart ones and some days it just suuuucks!
    Did you have the opportunity to see Dubya speaking in Missouri this morning? Looks like the old boy is pulling out of his slump in a big way. It was the most gutsy speach he has made in two years and it looked good on him.

  8. Frank… Frank… Frank.
    I’m surprised that you haven’t used the ‘Kiddie Field Trip’ Method of keeping your co-workers in a tight group.
    Tie a nylon rope around one of their wrists. Leaving lots of rope free before the first wrist loop. Then and attach the next loop to the other’s wrist. Make a chain. Like Kiddies on a Field Trip.
    Then attach the free rope at the beginning to the F-150’s rear bumper.
    In the words of Fat Tony from ‘The Simpson’s’…”Go with your heart!”
    I’ll let you fill in the blanks from there.

  9. Frank,
    Maybe your coworker is playing some sort of game – like punch buggie. Does he yell “Street Corner” every time he hits the curb? hmm. Maybe.
    your other coworker is probably just disoriented by the lights. He asks, “How do I get to the Alladin, I hear Ronstadt is singing?” and they tell him, oh just go outside and follow the casino lights. Can’t miss it.

  10. OK Wolf’s Dawn, lets not get personal…Hey sarahk, I’ve got for you! I used to be a navigator in the Navy. Navigated all types of ships all over the world — no problem. Now when I’m driving the family on vacation/trips etc. and get lost all I get is grief from everyone! Nothing like your family to let you know how you rate!

  11. Off Topic/thread but just received this from The Federalist!:
    It’s official. John F. Kerry is the Democrat Party nominee for
    President. But is he fit for office?
    Kerry has a long and well-documented history of providing “aid and
    comfort” to the enemy in time of war — particularly in the case of
    North Vietnam, Nicaragua and Cuba. Kerry, by his own account of his
    actions and protests, violated the UCMJ, the Geneva Conventions and
    the U.S. Code while serving as a Navy officer. Kerry met, on two
    occasions, with North Vietnamese negotiators in 1970 and 1971,
    willingly placing himself in violation of Article three, Section
    three of the U.S. Constitution, which defines treason as “giving aid
    and comfort” to the enemy in time of warfare.
    Kerry was recognized for such “aid and comfort” in 1983, when he
    received an award for special contributions to the Communist victory
    from the incoming general secretary of the Communist Party of
    Vietnam, Comrade Do Moi. (See photos at ).
    Thus, in accordance with the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment,
    Section 3, which states, “No person shall be a Senator or
    Representative in Congress, or elector of President and
    Vice-President … having previously taken an oath … to support
    the Constitution of the United States, [who has] engaged in
    insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort
    to the enemies thereof,” We, the People of these United States,
    believe John F. Kerry is unfit for public office.
    Please join your fellow Patriots and sign the petition demanding
    that John Kerry be prosecuted for “giving aid and comfort to the
    enemy” and disqualified for national office. Link to —

  12. Vegas driving is just a mess in the first place, and our roads are worse. I swear, every time they finish a freaking road (this is about 8 miles south of the strip), they rip it up again- FOR NO APPARENT REASON.
    The residents all know the reason- the budgeting system. The transportation department is trying to spend all of their budget so they won’t get cuts.
    That doesn’t make it ANY less annoying though.

  13. Frank – I understand, although I was driving the last time. : )
    While the 4 of us from my company went on a 6 hour road trip to Missouri, to visit one of our customers, they decided to go bar hopping since the one in the hotel was closing. Since I don’t drink Adult beverages, I was the DD. I drank Mountain Dew all night, and we were on our way to another bar.
    Everyone except me was drunk already, and I was having a hard time trying to find the entrance (It was a strange street, a lot of concrete barriers and medians) and I turned and hit the curb.
    All my co-workers were asking, are you sure you were just drinking Mountain Dew? : )

  14. It could be worse, Frank. I only had to room with ONE frickin’ retard when I last went to Vegas on business (Comdex as exhibitors @ the Mirage). FIRST DAY he blows every penny of his week-in-advance-frickin’-per diem playing craps and roulette. FIVE DAYS, I had this same “conversation” with him:
    “Can I borrow twenty bucks?”
    “Can I borrow ten bucks?”
    “Can I borrow five bucks?”
    “Can you spot me money for lunch?”
    “Just a few bucks?”
    “I can win it back.”
    “No you can’t, you already lost over $400.00 in just over three hours.”
    “But I know what I’m doing now.”
    “You’re an idiot, Lou.”
    “Can I borrow twenty bucks?”
    “I’m hungry.”
    “Should have thought about that when you laid your last twenty on the craps table.”
    “How about five bucks, can I borrow five bucks?”
    “Shut up, Lou.”

  15. Frank, Frank. Tsk, tsk. Man, while you’re doing good gambling, I’m surprised, nay, disappointed that you haven’t found time to try one of Las Vegas OTHER pleasures…
    namely, going to nearby shooting range and renting a clip to fire a FULL-AUTO machine gun (Tommy-gun, HK G3, Uzi, and others that i am forgetting).
    Seriously, you OWE it to yourself!
    Try Discount Firearms in Henderson, just south of Las Vegas @ 1212 North Boulder Highway, Henderson, NV 89015
    I went there 4 years ago by myself and had a blast figureatively speaking after shooting my S&W, I rented a clip to fire a Tommy-gun.
    Got to keep the target and got it stamped with “I fired a (silhouette of Tommy-gum) at Discount Firearms”
    Ah, memories : )

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