“That’s a lovely scent you’re wearing, Diane,” I said as I peered through my binoculars at the guards in front of the villa Senator Gredler was staying at.
She was looking at the same with her binoculars. “Same as all the other times you’ve been around me.”
“No, there’s something different. I smell…” I paused to sniff a bit. “Gun oil… gun powder.”
“Was at the range this morning and I have a gun powder based gun as backup. Cleaned it before I came to pick you up.”
“Good choice.” The jacket was hanging off one of the guards such that I could see the handle of the weapon he was carrying. “See that. See the gun on that one guard?”
“I see just a little of it. What about it, Rico?”
“You can tell from the marking that it’s a FR-76 Blaster. Quality firearms made on Sindel 7… a planet pretty much owned by the Randatti. Almost no one other than Randatti thugs can get their hands on such weaponry.”
She set down her binoculars. “When you’d become the expert on the criminal syndicates?”
I put away my binoculars and smiled at her. “Been doing some reading. Those are Randatti thugs; no doubt about it.”
“I said Gredler was dirty… but how does this help us catch the assassin?”
“It’s just all parts of the puzzle.” I looked around at the little forest area we were hiding in. The sun peeked through the green leaves. “It’s really a nice day, isn’t it?”
“Rico, do you know how much trouble I could get in if Morrigan tells the Chief what I’m up to? And I have this crazy feeling she might be a bit vengeful right now. I’m not supposed to get anywhere near Senator Gredler… and this might constitute illegal surveillance.”
“Cold feet?”
“No. I’m saying I need a better reason for doing this. I’m not going to be able to arrest the Senator because you think you saw a suspicious gun. As for the killer, do you really expect we’ll just run into him out here?”
“Possibly, but I don’t feel like waiting.” I stood up. “Let’s go talk to those guards.”
I started heading back down to the road to walk towards the entrance to the villa, Diane grudgingly following. “And what’s the point of this?”
I chuckled. “I think it’s what the killer would do.”
“They’re not going to want to talk to us… and I’m not going to risk my badge right now to force it.”
“I think they’ll want to talk to us.”
The guards eyed us very threateningly as we approached. One was human, the other was some enormous alien with a face like a bulldog.
“I’m Detective Thompson,” Diane said as she showed her badge, “and…”
The guards ignored her and stared at me. “YOU!” the large one shouted, beginning to reach for his gun.
I smiled, baring all my teeth. “Me.”
Next Week!?!?!?!?!
Damn you.
– MuscleDaddy
Pomoze Bog.
NEXT WEEK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Well, I’m going to have to use an IMAO logo at 50 yrds. out at the range this weekend…
Tsar Lazar
As you know, I love the story. I also second the previous comment.
This last edition seemed just a tad hurried. Rico went from casual observer, to confronting the guards too quickly I felt. No matter, clean up is the job of an editor later on.
It just keeps getting better and better…
You should have an inoccent bystander offer Rico a copy of Awake.
Maybe not…
I smiled, baring all my teeth. “Me.”
I like it.
Rico went from casual observer, to confronting the guards too quickly I felt.
That was probally due to Dip’s random number generator.
Rico is trying to break out of his typical behaviour pattern.
Yeah, I think we’ll see Rico doing all manner of random and unexpected things as the story unfolds further…
Pomoze Bog.
“You should have an inoccent bystander offer Rico a copy of Awake.”
That’s a good one…
Tsar Lazar
Okay, I’ve been internetless for three months, I come back expecting to read some Frank J. comedic stylings, and instead I get:
“You can tell from the marking that it’s a FR-76 Blaster. Quality firearms made on Sindel 7… a planet pretty much owned by the Randatti. Almost no one other than Randatti thugs can get their hands on such weaponry.”
What. The. F.
This isn’t on topic but it involves Monkeys & Martial Arts so I am posting it anyway:
I’ve been away a few months too – Mr. J. and Miss K. were almost married, now they are even more almost married. Good to see.
I agree with Jack, I like IMW better but the new story is still good writing.
Betterer and Betterer! This piece is one of my favorites! Much better than the previous.
ok, it’s next week. where’s part 32?