Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO.
Today, it’s Nardo the Orangeboy shredding a wad of paper:
If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Nardo is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
(For more animal goodness, try Friday Ark today and Carnival of the Cats on Sundays.)
It’s just like Bushy McChimplerburton shreading the Constitution!
….i got nothing
…like the Democrats, mindlessly destroying something because they can’t think of anything else to do.
I was going to say it’s like activist judges shredding the Constitution but anty ruined that joke.
Plan B (throws hand grenades in every direction and sees what blows up) (My office, oh crap)
Plan C It’s a cat representatiing Hurricane CATrina shredding New Orleans.
Nardo is doing a pretty good Sandy Berger impression. Those aren’t classified are they?
Pomoze Bog.
Welcome back, Laurence. I missed Friday Catbloggin’ last week. I’m very happy to hear that your moggies made it through the storm, and that you had the loyalty to NOT dump them in some damned shelter. Bravo, and shalom to you.
Nardo being, like most cats, heavily endowed with common sense and intelligence, has just gotten a copy of the UN Charter off of your desk…
Must be a new SCOTUS nominee in Senate hearings.
This is what Fawn Hall should have done.
John Roberts: This is what I think of Roe vs. Wade Senator Boxer.
Hey, I like the CATrina hitting New Orleans!
Could be representing Ronnie Earls relentless pursuit of justice against Delay. (Ronnie Earl the lawyer not the Blues guitarist)
Wow! These Ronnie Earle indictments against Republicans are WAY tastier than Cat Chow!
Dear Dr. Phat Tony:
Dang, you beat me to it. But I’ll add that the cat’s Sandy Berger impression would have been more effective if it (the cat) had worn pants.
::mrmph: Are you sure this will increase fiber in my diet?
(Self-wiping as it passes through, at that)
What do I think of this birthday card you printed for Spacemonkey?
Umm, those Palestinian guys tearing up Gaza? Or the IDF blowing up that car with that one douche in it?
Well, the NY Times is not fit to line the cat box with, so you gotta do SOMETHING with it.
Yay, catblogging!
Are you kidding, Bombtruck? Cats are so far above the NYT that even the mere act of touching the rag would be tantamount to sacrilege, and the Great Goddess Bastet would use us all for Her own personal catbox.
Nardo is a guard at Gitmo taking good care of the Koran.
“Nardo is a guard at Gitmo taking good care of the Koran.”
That’s a winner!
Nardo took one look at Ronnie Earle’s law degree from Texas, and recognized it for the piece of trash it was.
Of course it would be a WHITE SHEET of paper wouldn’t it? RACIST!
Nardo working at his new job as Koffi Annan’s aide.
Sandy Burger’s cat(having No Security clearance) assisting in the destruction of top secret documents.
I was going to say something about Earle’s indictment…
Maybe CBS hired the cat to wear the paper down and make it look ‘old timey’ and ‘authentic’
mmmm…. Now THAT’S good memo!
Where was Nardo when Ollie North needed him?