Does this look like the face of a man who has done something unethical?



  1. Hey Guys! I see you’ve built a completely relevant site here. So, either you’re into adult pr0n comment spam or this is just one more jerk off site devoted to jerk off ideals that were much more relevant back when we all traded garbage pail kids…and you don’t care enough to figure out how to get rid of comment spam. Losers.
    Let’s take a tally: Your president’s ratings are in the toilet. Your house majority leader is under indictment, and Karl Rove will soon be joining him. You and your socially retarded ideals couldn’t evacuate your way out of 2, yes, 2 disasters.
    If it weren’t for the fact that the rest of the country is suffering for your incompetence, it would be funny to watch the collapse.
    But don’t be disheartened. I’m sure we’ll all soon forget and in 20 years, Brownie’s brown-nosers will work their way into office again.
    And we’ll watch your collapse again.
    And Again.
    And again.
    So the phrase goes from “I am not a crook”
    “I’m too retarded to run the country”

  2. Wow, that’s some good spelling. I’m very impressed. Usually the intellectually-challenged, over-aggressive, unemployed muckadoos who come here can’t spell. Now if only it could work on its coherency it would be all set.
    It could have at least come up with something better than “blowme” as an insult-link, but I guess it got its political sense from watching Beavis and Butthead.
    I’m also a little disappointed that this obvious compassionate-lefty felt a need to make fun of the developmentally challenged by using “retard” as an insult, but, what are you gonna do?
    Oh, laugh at it.

  3. “Let’s take a tally: Your president’s ratings are in the toilet. Your house majority leader is under indictment, and Karl Rove will soon be joining him. You and your socially retarded ideals couldn’t evacuate your way out of 2, yes, 2 disasters”
    1.His ratings are low, not the lowest any president’s had though. JFK’s popularity went straight down fromt he day he took office….so what I’m getting at here is, you’ve got no point.
    2. He’s the House MAJORITY leader. Yep, you’re right, the Republican party is certainly in it’s last throes, what, with controlling the Senate, and House Majority, the Presidency, and now the Supreme Court.
    ALso, I’m just so very certain that Karl Rove is going to be indicted, considering that it’s been established he didn’t do anything technically illegal (immoral? probably. Bush unfortunately, like an idiot promised to fire whoever “leaked” the info that you could get from the CIA’s public website, and there’s no denying that.)
    3. It’s not the federal governments JOB to evacuate cities, it’s…..wait for it…..the CITY GOVERNMENT’S JOB!!!! Retarded, I know. How can we expect someone who’s only job is to look after one city to actually take care of said city, when the president clearly knows more about the situation and has more free time?! …..jackass.

  4. The proximity of the eventual death of the Democratic Party in particular and the liberal stance in general is directly proportional to how loud they screech. Given ScanIAm’s little temper tantrum there, I would say that The End Is Near for him and his ilk.
    Hey, that needs to be a law. Hmm…Nanashi’s Law, maybe? Has a nice ring to it, but I think the formula representation itself has to be reworked into something better than
    Moonbat Screed Volume = Death of Liberal Relevance or
    MSV = DLR

  5. The only thing I heard from that guy was “I have my foil hat on, you’ll never teach me logic!… Karl Rove rarrr!!! Haliburton Cheney Chemtrails yarr!!! Matt Drudge is trying to beam his propaganda into my fillings!!”
    I love it when people like this talk…

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