CNN Breaks News Story….

CNN on the cutting edge.
Once again CNN has trumped other news outlets. Last night, the C able News Network offered America a glimpse into secret inner workings of the Bush Administration.
Said an unidentified source, “We definitely have proof that President Bush rehearses his speeches.” The network was able to show early footage of the President practicing the word Noo-kaa-ler and trying to say Guest Worker Program with a straight face.
This has triggered storm of rebuttals from White House Spokesman Tony Snow who replied, “That’s right. He practiced his speech. So what?”
This type of response is typical of what CNN might expect of an adminiistration which orchestrates everything from false invasions to global warming to the pre-empting of Oprah Winfrey’s Legends Ball.
A CNN spokesman commented, “We are shining the light of truth on this corrupt administration. Eventualy, we hope to catch President Bush picking his nose.”


  1. //A CNN spokesman commented, “We are shining the light of truth on this corrupt administration. Eventualy, we hope to catch President Bush picking his nose.”//
    Be smart, Mr. President, use tissue paper, then you can pretend to be blowing your nose anyway…not that I know anything about it…

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