PS: There is no Zionist Conspiracy

Dear Don,
Okay, I’m done rendering up the movie of the plane hitting The Pentagon on 9/11. Looks beautiful.
I’d have had it sooner, but I kept having conflicts with the Logitech drivers the catcams use. Plus, there was that two weeks delay when you wanted me to remove Michael Moore’s face from one of the windows, even though you’d requested that in the original specs.
You will not be charged for the additional labor and processing necessary to fix the name stenciled on the airliner. We apologize greatly for putting “United” on there when it should have read “American” but we did get the colors right.
It’s a pretty big file. Do you want me to send it to you burned to a DVD, or do you want me to attach it to an email to your gmail box?
All hail ZOG,
Laurence Simon
Chief Video Fakery and Flimflammery Officer, Texas Sector
cc: President George W. Bush, LFG Commander Charles Johnson, The Frozen Head Of Ariel Sharon, Doug Flutie

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  1. I’ve seen it and it is VERY good. The first version had a bunch of little spoilers in it. For example, in addition to the “United/American” issue, they had the plane transform into OptimusPrime just before it hit.

  2. This is random but, no joke, Doug Flutie is arab. Middle east. I think from Lebanon. Kind of funny an arab is known for a Hail Mary pass. I bid you all peace Love and understanding. All the best.
    -Martin “ceann Rua” Corbett

  3. Ah, one of the VRWC’s finest moments! Just think:
    – thousands of (hardcore pro-Bush) journalists swindled…
    – hundreds of people hard at work on CGs like this one…
    – hundreds of soldiers and demolitions experts coordinate without anyone suspecting a thing
    – almost fifty years of preparation (there’s a reason why every problem in the US can be traced back to Bush)…
    – four thousand gratuitously killed for no reason whatsoever…
    – millions convinced that what they saw isn’t a fake…
    – democrats convinced (over the course of many years) that Saddam had WMDs…
    Just don’t ask our Supreme Ruler, which by the way is a genetic clone of Hitler, to do things like “building walls” or “extraditing millions of illegal aliens”.
    That’s way beyond the capabilities of the all-knowing, all-encompassing Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!

  4. For real, follow the links to see the video footage… IT IS HILARIOUS>
    The guy shows himself talking about how he doubted it was a plane, and then tries to cover it up with, “I was just responding to a witness’ statement.”
    LOLOLOLOLOL. Silly monkey, dance! DANCE!

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