Great Moments In Cross-Cultural Communication

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In their “Celebrating American Diversity” class, Iraqi children learn how to flash a variety of popular gang signs.
[pic via CENTCOM – real story here]


  1. The other thread I posted my final farewell on vanished so I’m back for one final post. Some happy kids there. That’s good news. I hope they enjoy the new Islamic State the Bush Administration is building for them in Iraq.
    Here in the USA the blogosphere has exploded with some other news. The buzz is that Karl Rove, who is called Turd Blossom by the Decider, has been indicted. Technorati has set up a special link. Technorati even has it posted on the frontpage: “The blogosphere is bursting with speculation that Karl Rove will be indicted.” Of course its just speculation. Karl Rove would never have anything to do with the leaking of a CIA agent’s name right? Nah. Don’t lose any sleep over it IMAO.

  2. Watch out for the low riders man!
    It’s not the kids out cruising and having a good time. Well, at least being drugged up chained to the steering wheel in a car loaded with half a ton of TNT isn’t popular back home.
    If you see one these guy’s giving “gang hand signals”. He’s probably trying to tell you which building the bastard with the remote trigger is in.

  3. Thanks again Harvey, for keeping it real. Amid all the funny at Imao you bring a plain old smile to the readers from time to time, and a chance to reflect on the efforts, advances and sacrifices of our troops.And for that we can all say God Bless you and our troops.

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