Ted Kennedy’s Plane Hit By Lightning

Is this God’s way of punching a liberal in his dumb monkey face?


  1. No, I believe if God were involved at all, the plane would have crashed in some secluded spot…if the plane burst into flames, the flames would have quickly ignited Ted’s alcohol-soaked fat, which would have burnes the surrounding 50 miles of land like napalm.

  2. Gee, it sure is nice to have godless atheists post on Sundays so I can entertain myself when I’m bored while not actually doing something worthwhile (making fun of Ted Kennedy is always worthwhile) myself because to do that would be unholy, obviously. Thanks, Harvey.

  3. If this was a message from God, then Harry Whittington’s swiss cheese face was a message from God, too.
    It’s good to know you conservatives take your religion seriously.

  4. The only reason that the plane didn’t crash is because there wasn’t a body of water to crash in… and Ted wasn’t driving…
    On the plus side, Ted must be close to using up all nine of his lives.

  5. We Christians do take our religion seriously. We also however have a sense of humor about life. Although Mr. Whittington experience was unfortunate, because no one was damaged permanently- it is now funny. Kennedy was not hurt- so it’s funny. We conservatives don’t wish death and destruction on those who disagree with us, that is not the way we operate. I realize that for someone of the other political persuasion this is difficult to understand, as they must make everything personal and or violent.

  6. Wolfmother,
    I’m not a Christian. Being 40% Injun, I still chose, as far as spirituality, to follow the “old ways”, but that doesn’t stop me from having a world of respect for every other form of religion, Christians, Prodistants, Jews, Buddists, etc.; everyone except those religions that preach the extemination of everyone else but their own in the name of their God. I also have a sense of humor about life, therefore, I can’t help giving a ribbing to every religion including my own. At least I do it in general, and don’t insult people by calling them “You (insert beliefs).” You’ve nothing to fear from me unless you are walking up my driveway with 40lbs of C4 strapped to yourself and calling for my death in the name of your diety. Most of us here, I’m sure, are the same way. This is a humor site. Lighten up a bit.

  7. If this was a message from God, then Harry Whittington’s swiss cheese face was a message from God, too.

    The difference, of course, being that God smites with lightning, and Dick Cheney merely uses a shotgun.

    It’s good to know you conservatives take your religion seriously.

    It’s good to know you liberals

    1. read IMAO, and
    2. recognize humor so easily.
  8. Blue Square – Hey, I’m just doing the work that Godful Christians won’t do.
    Wolfmother – For the record, I’m an atheist libertarian hawk. Frank just keeps me on because my veteran status gives him Affirmative Action diversity points.

  9. I think we need more investigation into this incident and it possible connection to the Halliburton Hurricane machine – they may have adapted it for more localized control are are testing it out – I think it needs better control though – give them several more years to perfect it.

  10. Nooo Harvey, don’t take away our punching of monkey faces! That’s always amusing. But, maybe we can freshen it up with the occassional kick to the groin of monkey faces instead?

  11. Hey Chief Dan,
    I’m Choctaw on Dad’s side, and descended from General Winfield Scott Hancock, who admininstered the Trail of Tears, on Mom’s side. I offered an Indian blanket from Dad to Mom as a peace offering; they thought it was a blast. I’ve walked the “old ways” but no longer smoke-um sage, no embrace-um undergods and demons. I got-um real thing with Jesus, so why settle for less. I’d rather be protected by the Holy Spirit than by a feather, if you know what I mean.
    I’m a Christian, and Kennedy’s a murderer.

  12. I’m not tired of the DMF bits yet.
    To quote Homer, “It’s funny because it’s true…”
    That’s Homer Simpson for you liberals who thought I was quoting Homer the poet, or maybe a Homo.
    Dumb monkey-faced liberals…

  13. Well, old Ted lived through it so the saying must be true that “God loves an Idiot.” I just wish he could love this particular idiot a little bit less and really get on with the smite-y thing already.

  14. //I just wish he could love this particular idiot a little bit less and really get on with the smite-y thing already.//
    Maybe this WAS the smite-y thing…maybe God wanted to wake Teddy up, get him to rethink all the wrongs he’s done, get him to see the error of his ways….[snarf, giggle, hrm…LOL!!!] Nope couldn’t do it with a straight face…sorry I tried

  15. Bilbo,
    Me no heap big cheif. Me justem two feather brave. The beautifull thing about this land we call America is that we can have a mosque, a temple and a church right next to each other, yet when they all leave at the same time, no one shoots at each other. Pray to whom you want whenever you want, wherever you want. I’m happy you’ve found peace and salvation your way, brother. I have my own.

  16. Wolfman Dan.
    The Cherokee symbol for centuries was the sign of the Cross. Just in the last few years has it been changed back to a pagan symbol. I call that backsliding, whatever you want to call it.
    Vision Quest my eye, I say, and say again.

  17. If you are looking for mudslinging, go visit the idiots over at KOS or DU. The’re the ones who are seeeennnnsitive. You might find some ARM idiots to rile up over there; all you are doing is making me laugh. The only thing this boy pulls out the tomahawk and scalping knife for is:
    1) the commies who want to wipe all religions from this nation.
    2) The hippies and leftists who want to shread our constitution.
    If you aren’t a troll (which I’m beginning to detect that you are), go educate yourself with something other than Hollywood or commie professors, because you obviously don’t know the first thing about the subject of which you speak. It’s obvious you’ve never been within a hundred yards of a sweat lodge; if you did, you’d realize how much of the bible we do believe in and discuss in a very positive manor.
    If you are a true Christian, look in the mirror. It might be time to ask if you are the model the left is using against your own religon; you are trying to insult one of your most ardent supporters against the new nazis that call themselves the left. As I’ve stated already, I’ve nothing against anyone who has a different belief system…I feel sorry for you, because you obviously do.
    “When they came for the Jews, I said nothing, because I was not a Jew. When they came for the Catholics, again I said nothing, because I was not a Catholic. When they came for me, not a voice was raised, because there was no one left” -Cardinal Nemo

  18. Hey Wolfman,
    The Res, Tuba City, AZ. Navajo time. Didn’t say I wouldn’t defend your right to believe whatever the heck you want, just stating historical and theological facts. Like you probably were, I was raised Christian; backslid into shamanism, came to my senses and realized they call Him King Jesus for a reason. The guy who originally led me to the Lord in 1969 is smoking smoke in a sweat lodge even as we speak. There may be reasons for our backslidings, but no excuses. So get of the pity pot, Chief.

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