It’s what’s for breakfast.
Speaking of coffee. I’m going for another cup.
What gets YOU going in the morning?
Mt Dew?
An unflinching desire to stamp out liberalism?
Update: The comments have degraded into a Mt Dew vs Coffee flame war. Join now!
I prefer Mountain Dew – twice the calories, twice the caffeine, twenty times the sugar. In other words, it’s the best thing since double-roll toilet paper.
I enjoy Mt Dew too, but coffee, well, it’s my coffee!
If your mountain dew has twice the caffiene then your not making your coffee correctly.. More coffee beans!!!!
And.. I can add all the sugar I want to my coffee. Depends on how I am feeling and what I did the night before!
However, I will admit that MOuntain Dew does taste better… Coffees is just a lot cheaper in the high volumes I consume.
Mt. Dew vs Coffee? there is no competition with coffee here; just an exercise in un-reality.
Anyone remember the Simpson’s episode where Homer had to choose between Mt. Dew and crab juice??
“EEEWWWW! I’ll take the crab juice.”
-Homer Simpson
Coke Blak.
It’s Coke, it’s coffee, it’s $1 for an 8 oz. bottle!
Coke Red.
It’s Coke, it’s crab juice, it’s an ipecac!
Coffee has way more caffeine than Mountain Dew, don’t make me go all science guy on you.
Too late.
Mountain Dew, 12 oz can:
55 mg caffeine
Starbucks Coffee 12 oz serving:
375 mg caffeine
red bull anyone?
i’m from nola anyway. we never stop from the night before.
What gets me going in the morning is midget pr0n! And diet coke, diet mountain dew, or coffee. Depends on my mood. Usually a mixture of the 3.
If you really want to wake up, get a baby to puke in your bed. You’ll be up and running around in no time flat, guaranteed. There’s no snooze button on a barfing baby.
Real men drink coffee in the morning…girly men drink…well…your replies pretty much spell it out!
Ah, caffeine. I remember one time in college while pulling an all-nighter I was popping those yellow Vivarins all night. They seemed to stop having any effect around 3AM but I kept popping them. Turns out I was so dehydrated (caffeine’s a diuretic) that they had quit dissolving, and were just sitting in my stomach in a big yellow blob. Before class I chugged a bunch of water, which dissolved them all at once, and I nearly flew into a homicidal rage from the caffeine surge. That’s my story.
fine, if you dont like coffee you gotta go with bawls… or this
Coffee > all
I know that French people drink it, but even they get something right occasionally.
Think I will go have a cup of really strong Starbucks in Wayzata, MN and look for a Monkey Faced liberal to punch! He will undoubtedly be wearing those spandex biker shorts and he’ll be reading the Washington Post or the Mpls. Red Star and Tribune so he won’t be hard to spot.
Q: How can you tell if a Frenchman has been in your back yard?
A: Your garbage is gone and your dog is pregnant.
100% Columbian. Made in a French press is even better.
We could rename it the American press, but that sounds just as bad.
Coffee lots of it and all day long, I love the stuff. Double Cappuccino I adore. hahaha
Old bottles of Jolt with twice the sugar and all the caffine
I’m disappointed, Spacemonkey.
I figured it was coffee AND gravy in the morning.
(I heart gravy and coffee! And guns!)
Gravy with biscuits is very good, but without the coffee, my taste buds won’t wake up enough to know.
TOX, american press, yeah that sucks too, whata buncha ‘unbiased’ newsnerds.
Man, I was promised a Mt. Dew vs. coffee flame war, and all I get is some boring, somewhat-thought out opinions. I am here to fix that problem.
Now that’s some flamin’.
Hey Spacemonkey, your friend Carin at has found herself a live one. A real comedian named “Bob”.
Below is a commend from Bob in a post titled “This is disturbing”.
“LOL, a shot at Islam.
Please, put aside the google parlor tricks and look deep at the moral sewage that is this Christian nation…we are definitional when it comes to perversion and depravation.”
If anyone feels like having fun with another monkey face, here’s your chance.
Enjoy 🙂
Coffee rules, Blue. Mountain Dew is what dribbles out of a cliff-dwelling goat.
Happy visuals to you 🙂
Tea. Tea is yummy.
Coffee – but to keep my blood pressure down I only drink one cup a day. It’s a 64 oz cup but it is still just one cup per doctor’s orders.
When the time comes for me to pull an all-nighter, I go to the local coffee shop and get the All-Nighter. 5 shots of espresso, baby. Also known as Death by Caffeine.
You won’t get to sleep that night even if you want to.
When the time comes for me to pull an all-nighter, I go to the local coffee shop and get the All-Nighter. 5 shots of espresso, baby. Also known as Death by Caffeine.
You won’t get to sleep that night even if you want to.
I cant believe no one has suggested this one….
A Pupy slurpee made wtih Mountain Dew…
Rockstar Energy Drink! 24 ozers!
NNNiiiiigggnnnniiiiinnnnnnniiiiiiggghghgh! I am Cornholio! I need T.P. for my bunghole! The streets shall flow with the blood of the non-believers!
Mountain Dew is made by taking a group of undocumented coffee-drinkers (drinking the coffee that Americans won’t drink) and re-filling their mugs until their bladders cry “TIO!”
Then they relieve themselves into a huge 100 gallon stainless steel tank. Once the tank is full, 50 lbs of sugar is added and the mixture is bottled and sold.
Coke blak is shit in a bottle.
Starbucks pwns you! Just make it less expensive!
Definitely coffee, three or four cups, instant but strong, no sugar and lots of milk.
Wouldn’t mind seeing Matt Lauer barf during an interview with Hillary Clinton, though.
red bull all the way…
A caffeine pill, an ephedrine pill, and an aspirin. It’s a lot quicker than sipping 12 oz. of coffee.
There is this AWESOME stuff from Argentina called Yerba Mate’. When I can get it, I make it. Otherwise, bring on the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters!
Both! I drink Dew while the coffee is brewing.
Coffee pwns in a Dew vs Coffee war.
But if you have just woken up from a big night the previous night, then what you want is Coke, out of an ice-cold can.
I tell you, there is nothing, NOTHING, like cracking a very icy cold can of coke in the morning, preferably with a whole bunch of people who crashed at the same place as you, after a lot of beer the previous night.
Yeah. But if you haven’t been drinking the previous night (I know, I know, some people here are wierd…), then you want an espresso.
Coffee nasty
Mt. Dew tasty
No-Doz washed down with Mt. Dew. Not reccomended on an empty stomach. Unless you really like seeing bright colors.
But if no Bawls, then coffee.
Mountain Dew in the morning? gross. Only in the afternoon. Coffee is the only way to wake up in the morning
I can’t believe I saw “pwns” “Rockstar Energy” and “Bawls”…. wierdos… A regular cup of joe in the morning. Now, THAT’S the American way.